我正在尝试找出一种制作标记系统的方法,该系统不需要每次用户标记视频时都在数据库(Postgres)中输入新实例。 (代码下方/代码上方的额外上下文)我想输入的字段是“说明”,“时间戳”和“标记选择”。
字段以及Excessive Violence
(逗号表示数据库中“ post_id”,“ description”和“ timestamp”字段的划分)
5, "Another flag from the same user in the same TextField.", 2019:9:15
# New Entry
然后要从该字段中获取标志,我将使用正则表达式与视图(将特定视频作为标志管理页面的参数传递)结合使用,以从TextField中获取post_id, description, timestamp
这项工作有效吗?最终结果应该是...当标记某帖子时,同时创建一个新的Flag模型(如果这是来自用户的第一个标志/该帖子的第一个标志),则创建一个'flag_info'字段在用户模型中,将post_id,描述和时间戳输入到所述字段中。如果该用户标记了另一个视频,则会在标记模型中为该特定帖子创建一个新实例,并且标记选择(“戈尔”,“过度暴力”等)会增加。同时,将post_id,description和timestamp附加到与以下"post_id; description; timestamp,"
class Flag(models.Model):
('Sexually Explicit Content', 'Sexually Explicit Content'),
('Child Abuse', 'Child Abuse'), # High priority, auto send to admin, ban if fake flag
('Promotes Definition Terrorism', 'Promotes Definition Terrorism'), # High priority, auto send to admin ban if fake flag
('Gore, Self Harm, Extreme Violence', 'Gore, Self Harm, Extreme Violence'),
('Spam/Misleading/Click-Bait', 'Spam/Misleading/Click-Bait'),
('Calling For Mass Flag', 'Calling For Mass Flag'),
('Doxing', 'Doxing'),
('Animal Abuse', 'Animal Abuse'),
('Threatening Behaviour', 'Threatening Behavior'),
('Calls To Action', 'Calls To Action')
('Open', 'Open'),
('Being Reviewed', 'Being Reviewed'),
('Pending', 'Pending'),
('Closed', 'Closed'),
objects = models.Manager()
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
content_object = GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')
# Make positive integer fields for flag_choices so we can increment count instead of making a new instance every time
sexually_explicit_content = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
child_abuse = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
promotes_terrorism = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
gore_harm_violence = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
spam_clickbait = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
mass_flag = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
doxing = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
animal_abuse = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
threating_behaviour = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
calls_to_action = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
sexualizing_children = models.PositiveIntegerField(null=True)
# Increment the above fields when a flag with corresponding offence is submitted
who_flagged = models.TextField(null=True) # This will allow me to get all users who flagged a specific post (split by commas, and use a function to loop through the newly formed list of user ids, then on each iteration. I would be able to grab the user model for futher operations
flagged_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True)
flag_choices = models.CharField(choices=FLAG_CHOICES, max_length=100, null=True) # Required Choices of offences
status = models.CharField(choices=STATUS_OPTIONS, default='Open', max_length=50, null=True)
def get_rendered_html(self):
template_name = 'vids/templates/vids/moderation.html'
return render_to_string(template_name, {'object': self.content_object})
class CustomUser(models.Model):
reported = models.TextField() # This will hold all the information about the users flag
# Meaning the following things will be in the same 'box' (
flag_info) in the DB... and will look like this...
" post_id = 4; description = 'There was something in the background against the rules.'; timestamp = 2019:9:25,"
然后,当同一用户标记另一个视频时,将在“ flag_info”字段中附加以下内容...
post_id = 24; description = "There was something in the background that showed my email."; timestamp = 2019:10:25,'
# To get flag_info from a user, I would do the following in a view
def get_flag(user, post_id):
# User is going to be the the user model that we need to pull from
# post_id is so I can use regex to pull the slice
# This is really simplified since it would take a while to write the whole thing
info = user.flag_info
split = info.split(",")
for i in split:
if i[0] == post_id:
# do something with it
# Alternatively I could do this
for i in split:
new = i.split(';')
# position 0 is the post_id, position 1 is description and position 3 is timestamp...Here I would do further processsing
要跟踪谁标记了我将在Flag模型中标记TextField的内容,然后每次用户标记帖子时,他们的user_id都会记录在所述TextField中。当我们需要查看标志时,在用逗号分隔“ who_flagged”之后,我将使用“ get_flag”功能。它将提取我需要处理的字段。