def get_state_variables(batch_size, cell):
# For each layer, get the initial state and make a variable out of it
# to enable updating its value.
state_variables = []
for state_c, state_h in cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32):
tf.Variable(state_c, trainable=False),
tf.Variable(state_h, trainable=False)))
# Return as a tuple, so that it can be fed to dynamic_rnn as an initial state
return tuple(state_variables)
def get_state_update_op(state_variables, new_states):
# Add an operation to update the train states with the last state tensors
update_ops = []
for state_variable, new_state in zip(state_variables, new_states):
# Assign the new state to the state variables on this layer
# Return a tuple in order to combine all update_ops into a single operation.
# The tuple's actual value should not be used.
return tf.tuple(update_ops)
但是,我收到与 tf.Variable(state_c,trainable = False)相关的错误,如下所示:
ValueError: initial_value must have a shape specified: Tensor("encoder/MultiRNNCellZeroState/LSTMCellZeroState/zeros:0", shape=(?, 500), dtype=float32)