我是Gensims LDA的主题建模和实验领域的新手,可以找到我的数据集中讨论的主题。
nr_topics = 75 # how many topics would you expect
ldamodel = gensim.models.LdaModel(corpus, # the term frequency matrix # LdaModel = basic version
id2word=dictionary, # the id -> term dictionary
num_topics=nr_topics, # the nr of topics we want
update_every = 1,
chunksize = 250,
passes=20, # increase this for added precision
alpha = 0.1, # a low aplha = few topics per document
eta = 0.2, # a low eta = few word combinations per topic
minimum_probability = 0.02
ldamodel.print_topics(num_topics=20, num_words=10)
corpus=[dictionary.doc2bow(i, allow_update = True)for i in sentences.content]