
时间:2019-07-19 20:17:32

标签: python arrays pandas indexing astronomy

我有一个带有1200个对象的大型CSV表。我通过设置某些参数(仅某些距离等)将它们缩小为326个对象的体积有限的样本(VLS)。 在此VLS中,我使用一个for循环来计算特定类型对象的数量。我不想一次计算整个VLS,而是将其计入“部分”(想在散点图上绘制框并计算每个框中的值)。

我非常确定我的问题是由于熊猫在CSV表的列中读取的方式以及我无法与“ dtype:object”的列交谈的“ b​​ox”数组造成的。



file = pd.read_csv(r'~/Downloads/CSV')
#more columns than this, but they're all defined like this in my code
blend = file["blend"] 
dec = file["dec"] 

当我在要查看的部分的定义(称为“ box”)中定义我的VLS时,代码确实起作用,并且for循环正确计数对象。 这是它工作时的样子:

color = np.array([-1,0,1])

for i in color:
    box1 = np.where((constant box parameters) & (variable par >= i)& 
  (variable par < i+1) &('Volume-limited parameters I wont list'))[0] 
    binaries = np.where(blend[box1].str[:1].eq('Y'))[0]
    candidates = np.where(blend[box1].str[0].eq('?'))[0]
    singles = np.where(blend[box1].str[0].eq('N'))[0]
    print ("from", i, "to", i+1, "there are", len(binaries), "binaries,", len(candidates), "candidates,", len(singles), "singles.")

# Correct Output:
"from -1 to 0 there are 7 binaries, 1 candidates, 78 singles."
"from 0 to 1 there are 3 binaries, 1 candidates, 24 singles."
"from 1 to 2 there are 13 binaries, 6 candidates, 69 singles."

问题是,我不想在“ box”的np.where()中包含VLS的参数。这就是我希望代码看起来的样子:

vollim = np.where((dec >= -30)&(dec <= 60) &(p_anglemas/err_p_anglemas 
                            >= 5) &(dist<=25) &(err_j_k_mag < 0.2))[0]

j_k_mag_vl = j_k_mag[vollim]
abs_jmag_vl = abs_jmag[vollim]
blend_vl = blend[vollim]
hires_vl = hires[vollim]

color = np.array([-1,0,1])

for i in color:
    box2 = np.where((abs_jmag_vl >= 13)&(abs_jmag_vl <= 16) & 
                            (j_k_mag_vl >= i)&(j_k_mag_vl < i+1))[0] 
    binaries = np.where(blend_vl[box2].str[:1].eq('Y'))[0]
    candidates = np.where(blend_vl[box2].str[0].eq('?'))[0]
    singles = np.where(blend_vl[box2].str[0].eq('N'))[0]
    print ("from", i, "to", i+1, "there are", len(binaries), "binaries,", len(candidates), "candidates,", len(singles), "singles.")

#Wrong Output:
"from -1 to 0 there are 4 binaries, 1 candidates, 22 singles."
"from 0 to 1 there are 1 binaries, 0 candidates, 5 singles."
"from 1 to 2 there are 4 binaries, 0 candidates, 14 singles."

当我打印blend_vl [box2]时,blend_vl的许多元素已从其常规字符串更改为我不理解的“ NaN”。


如果将blend_vl更改为平面数组,我认为blend_vl [box2]可以正常工作吗?

我知道这一次有很多信息,但是我很感谢任何输入。即使只是有关如何使用熊猫和数组的更多信息。 TIA!

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