White (51mm)
Black (44mm)
Blue (38mm)
Green (32mm)
Purple (26mm)
Orange (13mm)
Target - 83mm
Optimal solution: White - 1; Green - 1
Excel Solver solution: Blue - 1; Green - 1; Orange - 1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
target - white spacer size - black spacer size
,然后再尝试target - black spacer size - white spacer size
;即使两次尝试的结果都相同。 (换句话说,代码尝试了很多不需要的组合。)DoEvents
Option Explicit
Private Function ConvertRangeToArrayOfLongs(ByVal someRange As Range) As Long()
Dim inputArray As Variant
inputArray = someRange.Value
Dim outputArray() As Long
ReDim outputArray(1 To UBound(inputArray, 1))
Dim arrayIndex As Long
For arrayIndex = LBound(outputArray, 1) To UBound(outputArray, 1)
outputArray(arrayIndex) = CLng(inputArray(arrayIndex, 1))
Next arrayIndex
ConvertRangeToArrayOfLongs = outputArray
End Function
Private Sub TryToSolve()
' Subroutine needs better name.
Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
Set sourceSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Mine was on Sheet1, change to whatever your sheet is called.
Dim target As Long
target = sourceSheet.Range("A3") ' Mine was in cell A3, change to wherever yours is
Dim spacerSizesRange As Range
Set spacerSizesRange = sourceSheet.Range("D3:D8") ' Mine were in this range. Change to wherever yours are
Dim spacerSizes() As Long
spacerSizes = ConvertRangeToArrayOfLongs(spacerSizesRange)
Dim spacerQuantities() As Long
spacerQuantities = GetMinimumSpacerQuantities(target:=target, spacerSizes:=spacerSizes)
spacerSizesRange.Offset(0, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(spacerQuantities) ' TRANSPOSE can only handle ~65k
End Sub
Private Function GetMinimumSpacerQuantities(ByVal target As Long, ByRef spacerSizes() As Long) As Long()
' This function needs a better name.
Dim countOfSpacers As Long
countOfSpacers = UBound(spacerSizes) ' Assumed to be 1-based
Dim iterationLimit As Long ' Assuming no negative spacer sizes, solution must exist within this search space.
iterationLimit = Application.RoundDown(target / Application.Min(spacerSizes), 0)
Dim subtractionResults As Collection
Set subtractionResults = New Collection
Dim iterationIndex As Long
For iterationIndex = 1 To iterationLimit
Dim arrayToSubtract() As Long
If iterationIndex > 1 Then
arrayToSubtract = subtractionResults(iterationIndex - 1)
arrayToSubtract = GetInitialisedNumericArray(lengthOfArray:=1, valueToInitialiseWith:=target)
End If
Const FLAG_VALUE As Long = -1
Dim currentResults() As Long
currentResults = GetInitialisedNumericArray(lengthOfArray:=countOfSpacers ^ iterationIndex, valueToInitialiseWith:=FLAG_VALUE)
Dim writeIndex As Long
writeIndex = 0 ' Needs resetting each iteration, otherwise index will be incorrect or out of bounds
Dim subtractionIndex As Long
For subtractionIndex = LBound(arrayToSubtract) To UBound(arrayToSubtract)
Dim spacerIndex As Long
For spacerIndex = 1 To countOfSpacers
writeIndex = writeIndex + 1
currentResults(writeIndex) = arrayToSubtract(subtractionIndex) - spacerSizes(spacerIndex)
If currentResults(writeIndex) = 0 Then
GetMinimumSpacerQuantities = TranslateLoopStateToSpacerIndexes(writeIndex:=writeIndex, iterationIndex:=iterationIndex, countOfSpacers:=countOfSpacers)
Exit Function
End If
Next spacerIndex
Next subtractionIndex
subtractionResults.Add Item:=currentResults
Next iterationIndex
' Raise error here? MsgBox?
' Return empty array?
' Don't know. Seems like no solution exists within search space.
' Handle however you like.
MsgBox "No solution found within the search space." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & " (If implementation is correct, then there is no combination of current spacer sizes which can produce the current target value.)"
End Function
Private Function TranslateLoopStateToSpacerIndexes(ByVal writeIndex As Long, ByVal iterationIndex As Long, ByVal countOfSpacers As Long) As Long()
' If you have the "writeIndex" for a particular iteration,
' you can figure out which spacer index (and therefore which
' spacer) the "writeIndex" represents via modular arithmetic.
' Given the current iteration's "writeIndex", to figure out
' the previous iteration's "writeIndex":
' ROUNDUP( currentWriteIndex / countOfSpacers )
' Do the above in a loop (with iterationIndex declining) and keep track of
' each spacerIndex encountered.
Dim calculatedWriteIndex As Long
calculatedWriteIndex = writeIndex ' Can't calculate first time around. We already know it.
Dim outputArray() As Long
ReDim outputArray(1 To countOfSpacers)
Dim i As Long ' Needs better name, but also kind of irrelevant/unreferenced elsewhere.
For i = iterationIndex To 1 Step -1
Dim calculatedSpacerIndex As Long
calculatedSpacerIndex = ((calculatedWriteIndex - 1) Mod countOfSpacers) + 1 ' -1 + 1 to return a 1-based index
outputArray(calculatedSpacerIndex) = outputArray(calculatedSpacerIndex) + 1
calculatedWriteIndex = Application.RoundUp(calculatedWriteIndex / countOfSpacers, 0)
Next i
TranslateLoopStateToSpacerIndexes = outputArray
End Function
Private Function GetInitialisedNumericArray(ByVal lengthOfArray As Long, ByVal valueToInitialiseWith As Long) As Long()
' lengthOfArray is expected to be 1-based.
' I chose Long as return type since spacer sizes in example only seem to include whole numbers.
Dim outputArray() As Long
ReDim outputArray(1 To lengthOfArray)
Dim index As Long
For index = LBound(outputArray) To UBound(outputArray)
outputArray(index) = valueToInitialiseWith
Next index
GetInitialisedNumericArray = outputArray
End Function