作为输入,您将获得一个大小为 N 的数组( ARR ),您不知道–的内容,也无法看到–和预先指定的值 U≪N 。您的解决方案应适用于 U 和 N 的任何值。
您将得到一个大小为 N 的工作数组( W )。您还可以使用以下同时在 O(1)时间运行的帮助器函数:
SORT(A,B):SORT 将采用数组 ARR 或 W 的两个连续部分,大小为< em> | A |≤U和 | B |≤U,将它们合并为一个新数组,对它们进行排序,然后将大小为 | A | 此新数组的em>返回到 A ,其余值返回到 B 。它将返回 A 中剩余的 A 中值的数量。
COPY(A-> C):COPY 会将 A 的内容复制到 C 中。 | A | == | C | 。
我已经有解决此问题的方法,它是合并排序的变体,并且具有类似的运行时间 O((N / U)log(N / U)),但我当时想知道是否有更快的解决方案。
此外,我想知道如何在没有工作数组( W )的约束下如何对数组进行排序。
# Define helper subroutine MERGE (merges two sorted arrays)
MERGE (array A[1...m], array B[1...n]):
a_idx = 1
b_idx = 1
w_idx = 1
while a_idx < m+1 and b_idx < n+1; do
COPY( A[a_idx ... a_idx+U], W[w_idx ... w_idx+U])
COPY( B[b_idx ... b_idx+U], W[w_idx+U+1 ... w_idx+2U])
F=W[w_idx ... w_idx+U]
G=W[w_idx+U+1 ... w_idx+2U]
offset = SORT(F,G)
a_idx += offset
b_idx += (U-offset)
w_idx += U
end while
if a_idx != m+1:
# this can be done in a while loop as well but just writing it down like this for simplification
COPY( A[a_idx ... m+1], W[w_idx ... w_idx+(m+1-a_idx)])
w_idx += (m+1-a_idx)
end if
if b_idx != n+1:
# this can be done in a while loop as well but just writing it down like this for simplification
COPY( B[b_idx ... n+1], W[w_idx ... w_idx+(n+1-b_idx)])
w_idx += (n+1-b_idx)
end if
COPY(W[1 ... m], A[1 ... m])
COPY(W[m+1 ... m+n], B[1 ... n])
有了此子例程,您可以使用 SORT 轻松地将原始数组排序为大小为 2U 的已排序片段,然后将合并排序逻辑与此例程结合使用分成一个完整的数组。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
不能期望比 O(N / U log(N / U))做的更好,因为SORT函数是唯一可用于获取有关比较信息和执行置换的方法,并且最多可以作用于2U数据元素。就像SWAP功能一样:SWAP订购2个值,SORT订购2U值。
因此,有了这样的输入,排序的问题就减少到了对N / U块的排序。这些块保持不变。一对块上的SORT就像SWAP。这就像对M = N / U个元素的常规排序,即 O(MlogM)。我不知道将SORT应用于跨块范围如何以某种方式加快排序速度,因为它会破坏所涉及的块中已经实现的顺序。因此,我认为您能得到的最好的是 O(N / U log(N / U))。
我会考虑在固定索引边界上使用“块”,这意味着每个块都占据[iU, (i+1)U]
Max Heap中的heap属性表示,父值不应小于其任何子值。在处理块时,我们的目标是确保父节点中的 all 值不少于每个子节点中的 all 值。换句话说,父块的最小值不应小于每个子块的最大值。
在siftDown过程中,堆排序将比较要筛选的节点的两个子代的值,然后选择值最大的子代。在我们的案例中,我们没有纯粹的比较功能,但是我们可以使用SORT对两个子项进行排序,以使它们的值范围不再重叠。但是,这可能会破坏孙子项的heap属性。为避免这种情况,我们必须确保在两个子项中具有最小值的子项 keeps 在排序后保持该最小值。换句话说,我们应该将该孩子作为对SORT的调用的第一个参数。显然,这保证了该堆属性与该孩子的孩子在一起。但是同胞也不能获得比调用SORT之前的最小值更小的值。这样,该子项也将使用其自己的子项维护heap属性。
// Implementation of the SORT function (not part of the solution)
function createSortFunction(maxChunkSize) {
// Given the value U, a specific function is created that will throw
// when U is exceeded
return function sort(arr, aStart, aEnd, bStart, bEnd) {
if (aEnd - aStart > maxChunkSize || bStart - bEnd > maxChunkSize) {
throw new Error("SORT called with a too large range");
const aLength = aEnd - aStart;
let sorted = [...arr.slice(aStart, aEnd), ...arr.slice(bStart, bEnd)]
.map((x, i) => [x, i]) // temporarily store the unsorted index with each value
.sort(([x],[y]) => x-y); //... then sort numerically
// Count the number of values in the first chunk that originally came from A (had a low index)
let count = sorted.slice(0, aEnd-aStart).reduce((count, [,i]) => count + (i < aLength), 0);
sorted = sorted.map(([x]) => x); // remove the temporary index info
// Populate the original arrays with the sorted values
arr.splice(aStart, aLength, ...sorted.splice(0, aLength));
arr.splice(bStart, bEnd-bStart, ...sorted);
return count;
function blackboxSort(arr, maxChunkSize, sort) {
// Sorting algorithm based on HeapSort, but only using
// the given sort function for any data access
let numCalls = 0;
let numChunks = Math.ceil(arr.length / maxChunkSize);
// First some local functions:
function chunkRange(i, size) {
// Given a chunk-number, return the corresponding start-end indexes in the array
// Last chunk may be smaller in size when array size is not multiple of chunk size
i *= maxChunkSize;
return [Math.min(i, arr.length), Math.min(i + size, arr.length)];
// Wrapper around SORT function:
function chunkPairSort(i, j, size=maxChunkSize) {
let [iStart, iEnd] = chunkRange(i, size);
let [jStart, jEnd] = chunkRange(j, size);
numCalls++; // Keep track of how many calls to SORT are made
// Return true when the call to SORT exchanged at least one value between the chunks
return sort(arr, iStart, iEnd, jStart, jEnd) < iEnd - iStart;
function isLessThan(i, j) {
// Returns true when the first value in the first chunk is smaller
// than the first value in the second chunk. The second call will
// undo the change if the first call made a swap:
return !chunkPairSort(i, j, 1) || !chunkPairSort(j, i, 1);
function siftDown(parent, numChunks) {
let child = parent*2+1;
let dirty = true;
while (dirty && child < numChunks) {
if (child + 1 < numChunks) { // There are 2 children
// We know that each child has its values already sorted.
// Check which of the two children has the smallest value.
// Then sort the two children in a way that keeps the smallest value
// in the child where it currently is. However, if the children are
// leaves, always sort with the leftmost child getting the greatest values,
// so we are sure the child with the greatest values has a full chunk size.
if (child*2+1 < numChunks && isLessThan(child, child+1)) {
chunkPairSort(child, child+1);
child++; // pick the greatest child.
} else {
chunkPairSort(child+1, child);
// Perform the actual sift-down-swap
dirty = chunkPairSort(child, parent);
// Walk further down the heap
parent = child;
child = child*2+1;
function heapify(numChunks) {
const lastParent = (numChunks-2) >> 1;
// We would not do this loop in standard heap sort.
// However, we need each leaf in the future-heap to have the smallest value in first position,
// as the implementation of siftDown assumes this.
for (let chunk = numChunks - 1; chunk > lastParent; chunk-=2) {
chunkPairSort(chunk-1, chunk);
// Standard loop in Floyd's algorithm:
for (let parent = lastParent; parent >= 0; parent--) {
siftDown(parent, numChunks);
// Main:
if (arr.length <= 2*maxChunkSize) { // Trivial case:
chunkPairSort(0, 1);
} else {
// Build heap: Floyd's method = O(n) where n = number of chunks
// Now all chunks have their values sorted, and are in a maxheap order
// Extract chunks from the maxheap and place them just after the reduced heap = O(nlogn)
for (let size = numChunks-1; size > 0; size--) {
// Swap first chunk with last chunk
// The first time this may not be a pure swap: when the last chunk is smaller in size.
// But even then the effect is fine: the largest values will end up
// in that smaller chunk, and the smaller in the (larger) root.
chunkPairSort(0, size);
// Root is now "dirty", so sift it down the (reduced) heap
siftDown(0, size);
return numCalls;
// Snippet I/O handling
function refresh () {
let array = (document.querySelector("#array").value.match(/-?\d+/g) || []).map(Number);
let maxChunkSize = Math.max(1, document.querySelector("#U").value) || 1;
let numCalls = blackboxSort(array, maxChunkSize, createSortFunction(maxChunkSize));
document.querySelector("#sorted").textContent = JSON.stringify(array);
document.querySelector("#calls").textContent = numCalls;
(document.oninput = refresh)();
document.querySelector("#random").onclick = function () {
document.querySelector("#array").value = Array.from({length: 50}, () => ~~(Math.random() * 1000)).join` `;
Input array: <button id="random">Random</button><br>
<input id="array" style="width:100%" value="5 3 8 4 0 2 7 9 11 1 10 8"><br>
U: <input id="U" type="number" value="3" style="width: 3em"><br>
Result: <span id="sorted"></span><br>
Calls made to sort: <span id="calls"></span>