
时间:2019-07-17 08:12:29

标签: javascript html html5-canvas


click me please

click me please



var colorButton = document.getElementById("primary_color");
var textArea = document.getElementById("text");
var editor = document.getElementById("text");
var overlay = document.getElementById("overlay");
var textFontFamily = document.getElementById("selectForFonts");
var textColor;
var fontStyleFamily = 'Arial';
var boldness = 'normal';
var italicness = 'normal';
var data;

/**Function to get the color and color the text*/
colorButton.onchange = function() {
  textColor = colorButton.value;
  textArea.style.color = textColor;

function showOverlay() {
  overlay.style.display = "block";

function writeText() {

  $(function() {

    var canvasText = document.getElementById("canvasText");
    var ctxText = canvasText.getContext("2d");
    var $canvasText = $("#canvasText");

    var canvasOffset;
    var offsetX;
    var offsetY;
    var isDown;

    var dx;
    var dy;
    var lastX = 0;
    var lastY = 0;

    var iW;
    var iH;
    var iLeft = 0;
    var iTop = 0;
    var iRight, iBottom, iOrientation;

    canvasText.height = renderableHeight;
    canvasText.width = renderableWidth;

    overlay.style.display = "none";
    data = textArea.value;
    canvasText.style.display = "block";
    canvasOffset = $canvasText.offset();

    offsetX = canvasOffset.left;
    offsetY = canvasOffset.top;
    isDown = false;

    var textWidthtemp = ctxText.measureText(data);
    var textWidth = textWidthtemp.width;
    var textHeight = parseInt("50");

    var font = italicness + " " + boldness + " " + textHeight + "px " + fontStyleFamily;

    iW = textWidth;
    iH = textHeight;

    facW = 1; // canvasText.width  / canvasText.offsetWidth;
    facH = 1; //canvasText.height / canvasText.offsetHeight;

    console.log(facW + " " + facH);

    iRight = iLeft + iW;
    iBottom = iTop + iH;


    iOrientation = "Wide"; //(iW >= iH) ? "Wide" : "Tall";


    var border = 10;
    var isLeft = false;
    var isRight = false;
    var isTop = false;
    var isBottom = false;
    var iAnchor;

    canvasText.onmousedown = handleMousedown;
    canvasText.onmousemove = handleMousemove;
    canvasText.onmouseup = handleMouseup;
    canvasText.onmouseout = handleMouseup;

    function hitResizeAnchor(x, y) {

      // which borders are under the mouse
      isLeft = (x * facW > iLeft && x * facW < iLeft + border);
      isRight = (x * facW < iRight && x * facW > iRight - border);
      isTop = (y * facH > iTop && y * facH < iTop + border);
      isBottom = (y * facH < iBottom && y * facH > iBottom - border);
      isDragged = (x * facW > iLeft && x * facW < iRight && y * facH > iTop && y * facH < iBottom);

      // return the appropriate anchor
      if (isTop && isLeft) {
        return (iOrientation + "TL");
      if (isTop && isRight) {
        return (iOrientation + "TR");
      if (isBottom && isLeft) {
        return (iOrientation + "BL");
      if (isBottom && isRight) {
        return (iOrientation + "BR");
      if (isDragged) {
        return "DR"
      return (null);

    var resizeFunctions = {
      WideTR: function(x, y) {
        iRight = x * facW;
        iTop = iBottom - (iH * (iRight - iLeft) / iW);

      TallTR: function(x, y) {
        iTop = y * facH;
        iRight = iLeft + (iW * (iBottom - iTop) / iH);

      WideBR: function(x, y) {
        iRight = x * facW;
        iBottom = iTop + (iH * (iRight - iLeft) / iW);

      TallBR: function(x, y) {
        iBottom = y * facH;
        iRight = iLeft + (iW * (iBottom - iTop) / iH);

      WideBL: function(x, y) {
        iLeft = x * facW;
        iBottom = iTop + (iH * (iRight - iLeft) / iW);

      TallBL: function(x, y) {
        iBottom = y * facH;
        iLeft = iRight - (iW * (iBottom - iTop) / iH);

      WideTL: function(x, y) {
        iLeft = x * facW;
        iTop = iBottom - (iH * (iRight - iLeft) / iW);

      TallTL: function(x, y) {
        iBottom = y * facH;
        iLeft = iRight - (iW * (iBottom - iTop) / iH);

      DR: function(x, y) {
        console.log("DX: " + dx + "DY: " + dy);
        iLeft += dx;
        iRight += dx;
        iTop += dy;
        iBottom += dy;

    function handleMousedown(e) {
      // tell the browser we'll handle this mousedown

      var mouseX = e.clientX - offsetX;
      var mouseY = e.clientY - offsetY;

      iAnchor = hitResizeAnchor(mouseX, mouseY);
      if (iAnchor == "DR") {
        lastX = mouseX;
        lastY = mouseY;

        isDown = (true);

      } else {
        isDown = (iAnchor);

    function handleMouseup(e) {
      // tell the browser we'll handle this mouseup

      if (iAnchor == "DR") {
        isDown = false;
      } else {
        isDown = false;

    function handleMousemove(e) {
      // tell the browser we'll handle this mousemove
      // return if we're not dragging
      if (!isDown) {

      // get MouseX/Y
      var mouseX = e.clientX - offsetX;
      var mouseY = e.clientY - offsetY;

      //if Picture is dragged
      if (iAnchor == "DR") {
        dx = mouseX - lastX;
        dy = mouseY - lastY;

        // set the lastXY for next time we're here
        lastX = mouseX;
        lastY = mouseY;

        resizeFunctions[iAnchor](mouseX, mouseY);
      } else {
        // reset iLeft,iRight,iTop,iBottom based on drag
        resizeFunctions[iAnchor](mouseX, mouseY);

        // redraw the resized image

    function draw(withAnchors) {
      ctxText.clearRect(0, 0, canvasText.width, canvasText.height);
      ctxText.font = font;
      ctxText.fillStyle = textColor;
      ctxText.fillText(data, iLeft, iTop - textHeight);
      if (withAnchors) {
        ctxText.fillRect(iLeft, iTop - textHeight, border, border);
        ctxText.fillRect(iRight - border, iTop - textHeight, border, border);
        ctxText.fillRect(iRight - border, iBottom - border - textHeight, border, border);
        ctxText.fillRect(iLeft, iBottom - border - textHeight, border, border);

function bold() {
  var temp = textArea.style.fontWeight;

  if (temp == 'normal') {
    textArea.style.fontWeight = 'bold';
    boldness = 'bold';
  } else {
    textArea.style.fontWeight = 'normal';
    boldness = 'normal';


function italic() {
  var temp = textArea.style.fontStyle;

  if (temp == 'normal') {
    textArea.style.fontStyle = 'italic';
    italicness = 'italic';
  } else {
    textArea.style.fontStyle = 'normal';
    italicness = 'normal';


function changeFont() {
  var temp = textFontFamily.options[textFontFamily.selectedIndex].value;

  textArea.style.fontFamily = temp;
  fontStyleFamily = temp;
<div id="display" class="flex-workspace-item-big z-depth-2">
  <canvas id=canvas style="width:inherit ;height:inherit; position: absolute; z-index: 0;"></canvas>
  <canvas id=canvasFilter style="width:inherit ;height:inherit; position: absolute; display: none; z-index: 1"></canvas>
  <canvas id=canvasText style="width:inherit ;height:inherit; position: absolute; display: none; z-index: 2"></canvas>

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