
时间:2019-07-16 18:35:48

标签: dygraphs


var g3 = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("div_g3"),
           NoisyData, { errorBars : true, interactionModel : {
            'mousedown' : downV3,
            'mousemove' : moveV3,
            'mouseup' : upV3,
            'click' : clickV3,
            'dblclick' : dblClickV3,
            'mousewheel' : scrollV3

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

downV3等是Dygraphs将在命名事件上调用的函数的名称。因此,您必须执行这些功能。 downV3示例函数为:

function downV3(event, g, context) {
  context.initializeMouseDown(event, g, context);
  if (event.altKey || event.shiftKey) {
    Dygraph.startZoom(event, g, context);
  } else {
    Dygraph.startPan(event, g, context);




答案 1 :(得分:0)



interactionModel: {
    'dblclick': function (event, g, context) { Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.dblclick(event, g, context); },
    'mousedown': function (event, g, context) { Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.mousedown(event, g, context); },
    'touchend': function (event, g, context) { Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchend(event, g, context); },
    'touchmove': function (event, g, context) { Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchmove(event, g, context); },
    'touchstart': function (event, g, context) { Dygraph.defaultInteractionModel.touchstart(event, g, context); },
    willDestroyContextMyself: true

这是Dygraphs interaction example中6个功能的基本代码,您可以根据需要对其进行修改:

// Code for a variety of interaction models. Used in interaction.html, but split out from
// that file so they can be tested in isolation.
function downV3(event, g, context) {
  context.initializeMouseDown(event, g, context);
  if (event.altKey || event.shiftKey) {
    Dygraph.startZoom(event, g, context);
  } else {
    Dygraph.startPan(event, g, context);

function moveV3(event, g, context) {
  if (context.isPanning) {
    Dygraph.movePan(event, g, context);
  } else if (context.isZooming) {
    Dygraph.moveZoom(event, g, context);

function upV3(event, g, context) {
  if (context.isPanning) {
    Dygraph.endPan(event, g, context);
  } else if (context.isZooming) {
    Dygraph.endZoom(event, g, context);

// Take the offset of a mouse event on the dygraph canvas and
// convert it to a pair of percentages from the bottom left. 
// (Not top left, bottom is where the lower value is.)
function offsetToPercentage(g, offsetX, offsetY) {
  // This is calculating the pixel offset of the leftmost date.
  var xOffset = g.toDomCoords(g.xAxisRange()[0], null)[0];
  var yar0 = g.yAxisRange(0);

  // This is calculating the pixel of the higest value. (Top pixel)
  var yOffset = g.toDomCoords(null, yar0[1])[1];

  // x y w and h are relative to the corner of the drawing area,
  // so that the upper corner of the drawing area is (0, 0).
  var x = offsetX - xOffset;
  var y = offsetY - yOffset;

  // This is computing the rightmost pixel, effectively defining the
  // width.
  var w = g.toDomCoords(g.xAxisRange()[1], null)[0] - xOffset;

  // This is computing the lowest pixel, effectively defining the height.
  var h = g.toDomCoords(null, yar0[0])[1] - yOffset;

  // Percentage from the left.
  var xPct = w == 0 ? 0 : (x / w);
  // Percentage from the top.
  var yPct = h == 0 ? 0 : (y / h);

  // The (1-) part below changes it from "% distance down from the top"
  // to "% distance up from the bottom".
  return [xPct, (1-yPct)];

function dblClickV3(event, g, context) {
  // Reducing by 20% makes it 80% the original size, which means
  // to restore to original size it must grow by 25%

  if (!(event.offsetX && event.offsetY)){
    event.offsetX = event.layerX - event.target.offsetLeft;
    event.offsetY = event.layerY - event.target.offsetTop;

  var percentages = offsetToPercentage(g, event.offsetX, event.offsetY);
  var xPct = percentages[0];
  var yPct = percentages[1];

  if (event.ctrlKey) {
    zoom(g, -.25, xPct, yPct);
  } else {
    zoom(g, +.2, xPct, yPct);

var lastClickedGraph = null;

function clickV3(event, g, context) {
  lastClickedGraph = g;

function scrollV3(event, g, context) {
  if (lastClickedGraph != g) {
  var normal = event.detail ? event.detail * -1 : event.wheelDelta / 40;
  // For me the normalized value shows 0.075 for one click. If I took
  // that verbatim, it would be a 7.5%.
  var percentage = normal / 50;

  if (!(event.offsetX && event.offsetY)){
    event.offsetX = event.layerX - event.target.offsetLeft;
    event.offsetY = event.layerY - event.target.offsetTop;

  var percentages = offsetToPercentage(g, event.offsetX, event.offsetY);
  var xPct = percentages[0];
  var yPct = percentages[1];

  zoom(g, percentage, xPct, yPct);

// Adjusts [x, y] toward each other by zoomInPercentage%
// Split it so the left/bottom axis gets xBias/yBias of that change and
// tight/top gets (1-xBias)/(1-yBias) of that change.
// If a bias is missing it splits it down the middle.
function zoom(g, zoomInPercentage, xBias, yBias) {
  xBias = xBias || 0.5;
  yBias = yBias || 0.5;
  function adjustAxis(axis, zoomInPercentage, bias) {
    var delta = axis[1] - axis[0];
    var increment = delta * zoomInPercentage;
    var foo = [increment * bias, increment * (1-bias)];
    return [ axis[0] + foo[0], axis[1] - foo[1] ];
  var yAxes = g.yAxisRanges();
  var newYAxes = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < yAxes.length; i++) {
    newYAxes[i] = adjustAxis(yAxes[i], zoomInPercentage, yBias);

    dateWindow: adjustAxis(g.xAxisRange(), zoomInPercentage, xBias),
    valueRange: newYAxes[0]
