
时间:2019-07-16 15:15:22

标签: r rstudio r-markdown


```{r common_chunk}
output_common <- "This is a common chunk. It should always show up"
```{r A_chunk}
output_A <- "This chunk is type A."
```{r B_chunk}
output_B <- "This chunk is type B. If you see this at the same time you see a type A chunk, something is coded wrong."

我该如何精确编码,使其以我想要的方式编织? RMarkdown文档中有一个带有全局if语句的示例...

# execute code if the date is later than a specified day
do_it = Sys.Date() > '2018-02-14'

```{r, eval=do_it}
x = rnorm(100)


toggle <- "A"
```{r A_chunk, eval = ifelse(toggle == "A")}
output_A <- "This chunk is type A."

...我收到一个错误,说argument "no" is missing, with no default。有人可以告诉我我在做什么错吗?

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```{r toggle}
toggle <- "A"
```{r common_chunk}
output_common <- "This is a common chunk. It should always show up"
```{r A_chunk, eval = (toggle == "A")}
output_A <- "This chunk is type A."
```{r B_chunk, eval = (toggle == "B")}
output_B <- "This chunk is type B. If you see this at the same time you 
see a type A chunk, something is coded wrong."