我修改了http://hydrology.usu.edu/dtarb/giswr/2014/Exercise5.pdf中的代码 我需要循环来遍历所有单元,而不仅仅是我指定的点。
import arcpy, os, traceback, sys, numpy, math, json
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
env.overwriteOutput = True
outFlowDirection = Raster (r"C:\Users\funke\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Rawkins\Layers\fdr")
# convert raster to array
fdr = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray(outFlowDirection, nodata_to_value=0)
#determine extent
myExtent = outFlowDirection.extent
upperLeft = outFlowDirection.extent.upperLeft
ux = upperLeft.X
uy = upperLeft.Y
cell_width = outFlowDirection.meanCellWidth
cell_height = outFlowDirection.meanCellHeight
#create array for grid number that’s the same size as the raster
arrayrows = fdr.shape[0]
arraycols = fdr.shape[1]
numOfValues = arrayrows*arraycols
cellid = np.array(np.arange(1,numOfValues+1)).reshape(arrayrows,arraycols)
#create a point object
my_x = -1010216.70
my_y = 2222761.71
pnt = arcpy.Point(my_x, my_y)
#convert point coordinates into raster indices
c = abs(int((ux-pnt.X)/cell_width))
r = abs(int((uy-pnt.Y)/cell_height))
pntX = pnt.X
pntY = pnt.Y
z = fdr[r,c] #remember the initial raster index value (D8)
coords = [(pntX,pntY,r,c,z)] # create a list to store our coordinates
#function to check the value of our flow direction grid and move the point.
def move_to_next_pixel(fdr, row, col):
value = fdr[row, col] # get the fdr pixel value (x,y)
if value == 1:
col += 1
elif value == 2:
col += 1
row += 1
elif value == 4:
row += 1
elif value == 8:
row += 1
col -= 1
elif value == 16:
col -= 1
elif value == 32:
row -= 1
col -= 1
elif value == 64:
row -= 1
else: #value == 128:
row -= 1
col += 1
return (row, col)
#loop through values
for row in fdr:
for cell in row:
last_c = c
last_r = r
r,c = move_to_next_pixel(fdr, r, c)
pntX += (c - last_c)*cell_width #recalculate the coordinates
pntY += (last_r - r)*cell_height #recalculate the coordinates
z = fdr[r,c] #get value of current (r,c)
coords.append((pntX,pntY,r,c,z)) #save this coordinate to list
numpy.savetxt('output.csv', coords, delimiter=',', fmt='%d') #save array
print ('done')