在打字稿中,更改功能对象形状后是否可以推断功能参数? 这里的想法是从功能参数动态生成redux动作创建者类型。除非您不需要使用泛型类型,否则通常这是可行的。在下面的示例中,我想生成动作有效负载
export function createActionFactory<
R extends string,
T extends any[],
P extends object
>(type: R, payloadCreator: (...args: T) => P) {
const actionCreator = (...args: T) => {
const payload = payloadCreator(...args);
return { type, payload };
// comment to get proper type inference
actionCreator.toString = () => type;
return actionCreator;
// Let's assume react component
type ComponentType<P = {}> = { props: P };
const ModalComponent: ComponentType<{ foo: string, closeModal?: () => void }> = { props: { foo: "bar" } };
const show = createActionFactory(
<T extends { closeModal?: () => void }>(
component: ComponentType<T>,
props: Omit<T, "closeModal">
) => ({ component, props })
// should fail as `quz` is not in the props
show(ModalComponent, { quz: "bar" });
打字机游乐场link 。