我使用std :: future创建了一些使用DLIB库的异步函数;这样我就可以直接从Socket服务器调用这些函数。但是Visual Studio 2019出现编译错误。
“ scan_fhog_pyramid.h”中的问题代码
if (feats.size() > 1)
typedef typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type pixel_type;
array2d<pixel_type> temp1, temp2;
pyr(img, temp1);
fe(temp1, feats[1], cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding);
for (unsigned long i = 2; i < feats.size(); ++i)
pyr(temp2, temp1);
fe(temp1, feats[i], cell_size,filter_rows_padding,filter_cols_padding);
std::future<Mat> getProcessedFrame_task = std::async([&]()
VideoCapture vid_cap(0, CAP_DSHOW);
Mat frame;
if (!vid_cap.isOpened())
cout << "Video capture device could not be initalised." << endl;
cout << "Empty vector will be returned." << endl;
return Mat();
//Grab Frame from video capture device
vid_cap >> frame;
//Convert OpenCv frame to DLIB frame
dlib::cv_image<rgb_pixel> dlib_frame(frame);
//Vector to store Cropped Face Images
//Vector to store X Y Coordinates
concurrent_vector<pair<int, int>>xy_coords;
//Vector to store width-height data
concurrent_vector < pair<int, int>> width_height;
//Run the Face Detector on dlib frame
auto detected_faces = this->f_detector(croped_faces);
//Process all detected faces
dlib::parallel_for(0, detected_faces.size(), [&](long i)
//Get individual face from detected faces
auto face = detected_faces[i];
//Get the Shape details from the face
packaged_task < dlib::full_object_detection()>sd_task(bind(sp, dlib_frame, face));
auto sd_task_res = sd_task.get_future();
//Extract Face Image from frame
matrix<rgb_pixel> face_img;
extract_image_chip(dlib_frame, get_face_chip_details(sd_task_res.get(), 150, 0.25), face_img);
//Add Corrdinates to vector
xy_coords.push_back(pair<int, int>(face.left(), face.top()));
//Add width-Height to vector
width_height.push_back(pair<int, int>(face.width(), face.height()));
//Vector to Store Face Descriptors
std::vector<matrix<float, 0, 1>> face_descriptors;
//Only run if faces are found
if (croped_faces.size() > 0)
//Get Face Descriptors for all cropped faces.
face_descriptors = net(croped_faces);
//Process each Face Descriptor
dlib::parallel_for(0, face_descriptors.size(), [&](long i)
//Get individual descriptor
auto f_descriptor = face_descriptors[i];
//Get String Label for face descriptor
string face_name = m_trainer.Get_Face_Label(label_faceDescriptor, f_descriptor);
//TODO: Add overlays to the Open CV Frame
//Add Time Stamp to Frame
putText(frame, this->Get_Current_Date_Time(),
Point(50, vid_cap.get(4) - 10),
CV_RGB(0, 255, 0),
//Add Face Name to Frame
putText(frame, //target image
face_name, //text
cv::Point(xy_coords[i].first, xy_coords[i].second + 25), //top-left position
CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), //font color
return frame;
return getProcessedFrame_task.get();
C2027 : undefined type 'dlib::image_traits<image_type>' C4430: missing type specifier C2146: Syntax error missing ';' before identifier 'pixel_type'