我有一个自定义的squircle android视图。我正在绘制路径,但是无法用颜色填充路径。 StackOverflow要求我提供更多详细信息,但我认为我无法对此做出更好的解释。我所需要做的就是用代码填充路径。如果您需要看全班,请告诉我。
init {
val typedValue = TypedValue()
val theme = context!!.theme
theme.resolveAttribute(R.attr.colorAccentTheme, typedValue, true)
paint.color = typedValue.data
paint.strokeWidth = 6f
paint.style = Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE
paint.isAntiAlias = true
shapePadding = 10f
open fun onLayoutInit() {
val hW = (this.measuredW / 2) - shapePadding
val hH = (this.measuredH / 2) - shapePadding
Returns a series of Vectors along the path
of the squircle
points = Array(360) { i ->
val angle = toRadians(i.toDouble())
val x = pow(abs(cos(angle)), corners) * hW * sgn(cos(angle))
val y = pow(abs(sin(angle)), corners) * hH * sgn(sin(angle))
Pair(x.toFloat(), y.toFloat())
Match the path to the points
for (i in 0..points.size - 2) {
val p1 = points[i]
val p2 = points[i + 1]
path.moveTo(p1.first, p1.second)
path.lineTo(p2.first, p2.second)
Finish closing the path's points
val fst = points[0]
val lst = points[points.size - 1]
path.moveTo(lst.first, lst.second)
path.lineTo(fst.first, fst.second)
path.fillType = Path.FillType.EVEN_ODD
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas?) {
canvas?.translate(measuredW / 2, measuredH / 2)
canvas?.drawPath(path, paint)