我想在Firefox repo link,codepen中运行AR.js的示例演示代码。 当它从html文件(请参阅.html)在浏览器中启动时,它的效果很好,但是当我从另一个文件链接到相同的html文件时,它显示了摄像头错误。我试图找到一些解决方法,但到目前为止还没有运气。
仅在Firefox上出现错误。我使用Firefox 67.0.3版。
OS Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS。
在this gist中找到的HTML文件
A-Frame:error This HTML file is currently being served via the file:// protocol.
Assets, textures, and models WILL NOT WORK due to cross-origin policy! Please use a local or hosted server: https://aframe.io/docs/0.5.0/introduction/getting-started.html#using-a-local-server. browser.js:111:32
A-Frame Version: 0.9.1 (Date 2019-05-06, Commit #f57a1fa) index.js:92:8
three Version (https://github.com/supermedium/three.js): ^0.102.2 index.js:93:8
WebVR Polyfill Version: ^0.10.10 index.js:95:8
THREE.WebGLRenderer 103dev three.js:22620:10
Successfully compiled asm.js code (total compilation time 244ms) aframe-ar.js
AR.js 1.7.1 - trackingBackend: artoolkit aframe-ar.js line 5995 > scriptElement:7137:10
ARjs.Anchor - changeMatrixMode: modelViewMatrix / markersAreaEnabled: false aframe-ar.js line 5995 > scriptElement:6597:10
THREEx.ArMarkerControls: 'markersAreaEnabled' is not a property of this material. aframe-ar.js line 5995 > scriptElement:4805:13
Allocated videoFrameSize 1228800 aframe-ar.js line 5995 > scriptElement:2:23009
Pattern detection mode set to 1. aframe-ar.js line 5995 > scriptElement:2:23009
Pattern ratio size set to 0.500000. aframe-ar.js line 5995 > scriptElement:2:23009
Use of mozImageSmoothingEnabled is deprecated. Please use the unprefixed imageSmoothingEnabled property instead. aframe-ar.js line 5995 > scriptElement:5433:2
Webcam Error
Name: NotReadableError
Message: Failed to allocate videosource