Bucket BucketAccount TotalAmount
1 GB111 30
2 GB111 50
3 GB222 100
4 GB333 150
Holdings (before execution)
ID Account Amount Bucket AmountApplied
1 GB111 50 null null
2 GB111 40 null null
3 GB222 30 null null
4 GB222 40 null null
5 GB333 5 null null
6 GB333 145 null null
7 GB333 50 null null
If(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#buckets') Is Not Null)
Drop Table #buckets
Bucket int,
BucketAccount nvarchar(10),
TotalAmount Decimal
insert into #buckets values
(1, 'GB111', 30),
(2, 'GB111', 50),
(3, 'GB222', 100),
(4, 'GB333', 150)
If(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#holdings') Is Not Null)
Drop Table #holdings
CREATE TABLE #holdings
ID int,
Account nvarchar(10),
Amount decimal,
Bucket int null,
TotalAmount decimal null
insert into #holdings (ID, Account, Amount, Bucket, TotalAmount)
(1, 'GB111', 50, null, null),
(2, 'GB111', 40, null, null),
(3, 'GB222', 30, null, null),
(4, 'GB222', 40, null, null),
(5, 'GB333', 5, null, null),
(6, 'GB333', 145, null, null),
(7, 'GB333', 50, null, null)
select *
hold.Account, maxIds.ID as SubTotalId, sum(hold.Amount) as PartAmount
from #holdings hold
inner join #holdings maxIds
on hold.Account = maxIds.Account
and hold.Id <= maxIds.ID
group by hold.Account, maxIds.Id) partHoldings
right join
(select buckets.BucketAccount, subBuckets.Bucket, sum(buckets.TotalAmount) as PartAmount
from #buckets buckets
inner join #buckets subBuckets
on buckets.BucketAccount = subBuckets.BucketAccount
and buckets.Bucket <= subBuckets.Bucket
group by buckets.BucketAccount, subBuckets.Bucket) partBuckets
on partHoldings.Account = partBuckets.BucketAccount
and partHoldings.PartAmount >= partBuckets.PartAmount
-- * ,
BucketAccount, Bucket, ID as holdingId,
when MinHoldingCoveringBucket < Id and Id < MaxHoldingCoveringBucket then Amount
when MinHoldingCoveringBucket = Id and Id = MaxHoldingCoveringBucket then PartAmount - prevTotalPartAmount
when MinHoldingCoveringBucket = Id and Id <> MaxHoldingCoveringBucket then holdPartAmount - prevTotalPartAmount
when MinHoldingCoveringBucket <> Id and Id = MaxHoldingCoveringBucket then PartAmount - holdPrevPartAmount
else null
end as AmountApplied
holdingsBuckets.BucketAccount, holdingsBuckets.Bucket, holdingsBuckets.PartAmount, holdingsBuckets.prevTotalPartAmount
, IsNull(MinHoldingCoveringBucket, minAccountHoldingId) as MinHoldingCoveringBucket
, IsNull(MaxHoldingCoveringBucket, maxAccountHoldingId) as MaxHoldingCoveringBucket
, hold.ID, hold.Amount
, partHoldings.PartAmount as holdPartAmount
, partHoldings.prevPartAmount as holdPrevPartAmount
, min(botLimits.SubTotalId) as MinHoldingCoveringBucket
, min(partHoldings.SubTotalId) as MaxHoldingCoveringBucket
(select subBuckets.BucketAccount, subBuckets.Bucket, sum(buckets.TotalAmount) as PartAmount, sum(buckets.TotalAmount) - subBuckets.TotalAmount as prevTotalPartAmount
from #buckets buckets
inner join #buckets subBuckets
on buckets.BucketAccount = subBuckets.BucketAccount
and buckets.Bucket <= subBuckets.Bucket
group by subBuckets.BucketAccount, subBuckets.Bucket, subBuckets.TotalAmount) partBuckets
left join
hold.Account, maxIds.ID as SubTotalId, sum(hold.Amount) as PartAmount
from #holdings hold
inner join #holdings maxIds
on hold.Account = maxIds.Account
and hold.Id <= maxIds.ID
group by hold.Account, maxIds.Id) partHoldings
on partHoldings.Account = partBuckets.BucketAccount
and partHoldings.PartAmount >= partBuckets.PartAmount
left join
hold.Account, maxIds.ID as SubTotalId, sum(hold.Amount) as PartAmount
from #holdings hold
inner join #holdings maxIds
on hold.Account = maxIds.Account
and hold.Id <= maxIds.ID
group by hold.Account, maxIds.Id) partHoldings2
on partBuckets.BucketAccount = partHoldings2.Account
and partHoldings.SubTotalId >= partHoldings2.SubTotalId
and partHoldings2.PartAmount > partBuckets.prevTotalPartAmount
group by partBuckets.BucketAccount, partBuckets.Bucket, partBuckets.PartAmount, partBuckets.prevTotalPartAmount) topLimits
left join
hold.Account, maxIds.ID as SubTotalId, sum(hold.Amount) as PartAmount
from #holdings hold
inner join #holdings maxIds
on hold.Account = maxIds.Account
and hold.Id <= maxIds.ID
group by hold.Account, maxIds.Id) botLimits
on topLimits.BucketAccount = botLimits.Account
and botLimits.PartAmount > topLimits.prevTotalPartAmount
and botLimits.SubTotalId < topLimits.MaxHoldingCoveringBucket
group by topLimits.BucketAccount, topLimits.Bucket, topLimits.PartAmount, topLimits.prevTotalPartAmount, topLimits.MaxHoldingCoveringBucket) holdingsBuckets
inner join
(select Account, min(Id) as minAccountHoldingId, max(id) as maxAccountHoldingId
from #holdings
group by Account) edgeAccountHoldings
on holdingsBuckets.BucketAccount = edgeAccountHoldings.Account
right join #holdings hold
on holdingsBuckets.BucketAccount = hold.Account
and IsNull(MinHoldingCoveringBucket, minAccountHoldingId) <= hold.ID
and hold.ID <= IsNull(MaxHoldingCoveringBucket, maxAccountHoldingId)
left join
hold.Account, maxIds.ID as SubTotalId, sum(hold.Amount) as PartAmount, sum(hold.Amount) - maxIds.Amount as prevPartAmount
from #holdings hold
inner join #holdings maxIds
on hold.Account = maxIds.Account
and hold.Id <= maxIds.ID
group by hold.Account, maxIds.Id, maxIds.Amount
) partHoldings
on partHoldings.Account = holdingsBuckets.BucketAccount
and hold.ID = partHoldings.SubTotalId) selectionData
HoldingId 5应该在amountApplied字段中显示40,而不是70。我们从第一个保留中应用了30,然后从第二个保留中应用了40,将其求和到70。
ID Account Amount Bucket AmountApplied Comments
1 GB111 50 1 30 Applied 30. Bucket 1 is filled with 20 leftover, move to next bucket of same account
2 GB111 20 2 20 Insert new record. Applied 20 (from leftover in Bucket 1), and there is 30 leftover to cover in Bucket 2
3 GB111 40 2 30 Applied 30, 10 leftover in Bucket 2. We are out of holdings for this account, move on to next account
4 GB222 30 3 30 Applied 30, 70 leftover in Bucket 3
5 GB222 40 3 **70** Applied 40, 30 leftover in bucket 3. Bucket is not filled and we are out of holdings for this account. Move on to next account
6 GB333 5 4 5 Applied 5, 145 leftover in Bucket 4
7 GB333 145 4 145 Applied 145, Bucket 4 is filled with 0 leftover, move on to next account
8 GB333 50 null null Skip as Bucket 4 is already filled
答案 0 :(得分:1)
;with row1 as
select ID, Account, Amount, b.Bucket, b.TotalAmount,
row_number() over (partition by Account order by ID, b.Bucket) rn
from #holdings h
join #buckets b on b.BucketAccount=h.Account
, allocations as
select ID, Account, Amount, Bucket, TotalAmount,
convert(decimal,case when Amount<=TotalAmount then Amount else TotalAmount end) as Allocated,
convert(decimal,case when Amount>=TotalAmount then Amount-TotalAmount else 0.0 end) as HoldingRemaining,
convert(decimal,case when Amount>=TotalAmount then 0.0 else TotalAmount-Amount end) as BucketRemaining
from row1 where rn=1
union all
select ID, Account, Amount, Bucket, TotalAmount,
convert(decimal,case when HoldingRemaining<=BucketRemaining then HoldingRemaining else BucketRemaining end) as Allocated,
convert(decimal,case when HoldingRemaining>=BucketRemaining then HoldingRemaining-BucketRemaining else 0.0 end) as HoldingRemaining,
convert(decimal,case when HoldingRemaining>=BucketRemaining then 0.0 else BucketRemaining-HoldingRemaining end) as BucketRemaining
from (
select h.ID, h.Account, h.Amount, b.Bucket, b.TotalAmount,
case when h.ID=a.ID then HoldingRemaining else h.Amount end as HoldingRemaining,
case when h.Bucket=a.Bucket then BucketRemaining else b.TotalAmount end as BucketRemaining
from allocations a
-- Move to next holding if required
join #holdings h on h.Account=a.Account
and (
(HoldingRemaining>0 and h.ID=a.ID)
or (HoldingRemaining=0 and h.ID=a.ID+1)
-- Move to next bucket if required
join #buckets b on b.BucketAccount=a.Account
and (
(BucketRemaining>0 and b.Bucket=a.Bucket)
or (BucketRemaining=0 and b.Bucket=a.Bucket+1)
) q
select * from allocations order by Account, ID, Bucket
ID Account Amount Bucket TotalAmount Allocated HoldingRemaining BucketRemaining
1 GB111 50 1 30 30 20 0
1 GB111 50 2 50 20 0 30
2 GB111 40 2 50 40 0 10
3 GB222 30 3 100 30 0 70
4 GB222 40 3 100 40 0 60
5 GB333 -100 4 150 -100 0 250
6 GB333 250 4 150 150 100 0
答案 1 :(得分:1)
create table Buckets (Bucket int, BucketAccount varchar(5), TotalAmount int);
insert into Buckets (Bucket, BucketAccount, TotalAmount) values
(1, 'GB111', 30), (2, 'GB111', 50), (3, 'GB222', 100), (4, 'GB333', 150),
(5, 'GB444', 20), (6, 'GB444', 20), (7, 'GB444', 20);
create table Holdings (ID int, Account varchar(5), Amount int);
insert into Holdings (ID, Account, Amount) values
(1, 'GB111', 50), (2, 'GB111', 40), (3, 'GB222', 30),
(4, 'GB222', 40), (5, 'GB333', 100), (6, 'GB333', 250), (7, 'GB333', 50),
(8, 'GB444', 15), (9, 'GB444', 30), (10, 'GB444', 10);
with b as (
select *,
sum(TotalAmount) over (partition by BucketAccount order by Bucket) -
TotalAmount as e,
sum(TotalAmount) over (partition by BucketAccount order by Bucket) as f,
sum(TotalAmount) over (partition by BucketAccount) as AccountSize
from Buckets
), h as (
select *,
sum(Amount) over (partition by Account order by ID) - Amount as a,
sum(Amount) over (partition by Account order by ID) as b
from Holdings
h.Account, b.AccountSize,
h.ID, h.Amount, b.Bucket, b.TotalAmount as BucketSize,
when h.a >= b.e and h.b <= b.f then h.Amount
when h.a < b.e and h.b <= b.f then h.b - b.e
else b.f - case when h.a > b.e then h.a else b.e end
end as AmountApplied,
when h.a >= b.e and h.b <= b.f then 'Type 1: ' +
cast(b.f - h.b as char(3)) + ' unfilled'
when h.a < b.e and h.b <= b.f then 'Type 2: ' +
cast(b.f - h.b as char(3)) + ' unfilled'
else case when h.a > b.e then 'Type 3: ' else 'Type 4: ' end +
cast(h.b - b.f as char(3)) + ' overflows'
end as Scenario,
case when h.a >= b.e and h.b <= b.f then 'No' else 'Yes' end as Spans,
case when h.b >= b.f then 'Yes' else 'No' end as Depletes
from h inner join b on b.BucketAccount = h.Account and h.a < b.f and h.b > b.e
order by h.Account, h.ID, b.Bucket;
为了娱乐,我played around通过一点可视化的方式。希望对您有所帮助。