
时间:2019-06-21 18:33:50

标签: sql sql-server


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2天前(连续7天)滚动报告的日期范围将为6/12-6/19。表中的2行的旧价格和旧价格差异都超出该报告的范围6/7,但是,需要价格和差异才能在CashPrice列下复制所有日期键20190612至20190618的价格。在6/19,有一个新的价格变化/差异。在那 datekey,新的价格/差异值应更改。


enter image description here


-- T-SQL script to build the sampling tables

-- use for date-related cross-join later
if object_id( N'tempdb..#Numbers', N'U' ) is not null 
drop table #Numbers;

create table #Numbers(
   n int

insert #Numbers( n ) values( 0 ), ( 1 ), ( 2 ), ( 3 ), ( 4 ), ( 5 ), ( 6 ), 
( 7 ), ( 8 ), ( 9 ), ( 10 ) 

-- select * from #Numbers;

-- creating existing sparse price data
if object_id( N'tempdb..#dt', N'U' ) is not null 
 drop table #dt;

create table #dt(
  StoreNumber int
  , City char( 3 )
  , State char( 2 )
  , Type char( 1 )
  , ProductKey int
  , DateKey int
  , CashPrice money
  , DateLastPriceChange datetime
  , CashPriceVar money

 insert #dt values
    ( 1, 'OKC', 'OK', 'D', 144, 20190607, 2.799, '2019-06-07 11:37', -0.1 )
  , ( 1, 'OKC', 'OK', 'D', 144, 20190619, 2.699, '2019-06-19 10:40', -0.1 )

-- select * from #dt;

-- creaing temporary working table for reporting
if object_id( N'tempdb..#tt', N'U' ) is not null 
  drop table #tt;

create table #tt(
  StoreNumber int
, City char( 3 )
, State char( 2 )
, Type char( 1 )
, ProductKey int
, DateKey int
-- a couple of extra columns here
, DateKeyDate date
, DataDateKey int
, CashPrice money
, DateLastPriceChange datetime
, CashPriceVar money

-- dub in the start date for the report
declare @StartDateKey date = '2019-06-12'

-- populate the temporary working table
insert #tt( StoreNumber, ProductKey, DateKeyDate )
 select distinct
 , dt.ProductKey
 , dateadd( day, n.n, @StartDateKey )
 from #dt dt
  cross join #Numbers n
  n.n <= 7

-- select * from #tt

-- change the added datekeydate to datekey format
update #tt
set DateKey = year( DateKeyDate ) * 10000 + month( DateKeyDate ) * 100 + 
    day( DateKeyDate )


, dto.City
, dto.State
, dto.Type
, dd.ProductKey
, dd.DateKey
, dto.CashPrice
, dto.DateLastPriceChange
, dto.CashPriceVar
from (
    , tt.ProductKey
    , tt.DateKey
    , max( dt.DateKey ) MaxDateKey
 from #tt tt
  inner join #dt dt
    on dt.StoreNumber = tt.StoreNumber
    and dt.ProductKey = tt.ProductKey
    and dt.DateKey <= tt.DateKey
 group by
    , tt.ProductKey
    , tt.DateKey
) dd
inner join #dt dto
    on dto.StoreNumber = dd.StoreNumber
    and dto.ProductKey = dd.ProductKey
    and dto.DateKey = dd.MaxDateKey;

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