我尝试以与解决方案(soln = [dfdt,dcdt])相同的方式加入初始条件(y0 = [c_pt_0,x_0])(如下代码所示)。我还尝试了在matlab中使用的类似方法,该方法将初始条件连接到一个数组中,然后对结果进行拆包,但我认为问题出在维度上。
<p class="results"></p><div class="green">That's all folks!</div></p>
跟踪: ValueError:设置具有序列的数组元素。
#Basic imports
import numpy as np
import pylab
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
import scipy
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# define parameters
pi = 3.14159265
V_m = 9.09
m_V__M_Pt = 1e6/195.084
rho = 21.45
R0 = 10**(-8.19)
k_d = 10**(-13)
k_r = 10**(-5)
S = 0.314 #distribution parameter
M = 0.944 #distribution parameter
## geometry
# Finite Volume Method with equidistant elements
r_max = 30.1e-9 #maximum value
n = 301 #number of elements of FVM
dr = r_max/n #length of elements, equidistant
ini_r = np.linspace(5e-10,r_max,n+1) #boundaries of elements
mid_r = ini_r[0:n]+dr/2 #center of elements
## initial conditions
#initial distribution
x0 = 1/(S*np.sqrt(2*pi)*mid_r*1e9)*np.exp((-(np.log(mid_r*1e9)-M)**2)/(2*S**2))
c_pt_0 = 0
y0 = [x0, c_pt_0]
MN_0 = scipy.trapz(np.power(mid_r, 3)*x0,
x=mid_r) # initial mass
M_0 = 4/3*pi*rho*MN_0
def f(y, t):
r = y[0]
c_pt = y[1]
#materials balance
drdt = V_m * k_r * c_pt * np.exp(-R0/ mid_r) - V_m * k_d * np.exp(R0/ mid_r)
dmdt = 4*pi*rho*mid_r**2*drdt
dMdt = np.trapz(r*dmdt, x=mid_r)
dcdt = m_V__M_Pt*(-dMdt)/M_0
dfdt = -(np.gradient(r*drdt, dr))
soln = [dfdt, dcdt]
return soln
#define timespace
time = np.linspace(0, 30, 500)
#solve ode system
sln_1 = odeint (f , y0 , time,
rtol = 1e-3, atol = 1e-5)
pylab.plot(mid_r, sln_1[1,:], color = 'r', marker = 'o')
pylab.plot(mid_r, sln_1[-1,:], color = 'b', marker = 'o')
function modified_model
% import parameters
p = cycling_parameters;
% initial conditions
c_pt_0 = 0;
y0 = [p.x0; c_pt_0];
% call integrator
options_ODE=odeset('Stats','on', 'RelTol',1e-3,'AbsTol',1e-5);
[~, y] = ode15s(@(t,y) f(t, y, p), p.time, y0, options_ODE);
%% Post processing
% split state vector
r = y(:,1:p.n);
c_Pt = y(:,p.n+1);
%% Plot results
hold on;
plot(p.r_m, r(1,:));
plot(p.r_m, r(end,:));
function soln = f(~, y, p)
%split state vector
r = y(1:p.n);
c_pt = y(p.n+1);
% materials balance
drdt = p.Vm_Pt.*p.k_rdp.*c_pt.*exp(-p.R0./p.r_m) - p.Vm_Pt.*p.k_dis.*exp(p.R0./p.r_m);
dmdt = 4*pi*p.rho*p.r_m.^2.*drdt;
dMdt = trapz(p.r_m, r.*dmdt);
dcdt = p.I_V*p.m_V__M_Pt*(-dMdt)/p.M_0;
dfdt = - gradient(r.*drdt,p.dr);
soln = [dfdt; dcdt];
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class P:
def __init__(self, S, M):
self.M = 195.084
self.rho = 21.45
self.m_V__M_Pt = (1*10**6)/self.M
self.Vm_Pt = 9.09
self.R0_log = -8.1963
self.k_dis_log = -13
self.k_rdp_log = -11
self.R0 = 10**(self.R0_log)
self.k_dis = 10**(self.k_dis_log)
self.k_rdp = 10**(self.k_rdp_log)
self.r_max = 10.1*10**(-9)
self.n = 301
self.dr = self.r_max / self.n
self.r = np.linspace(5*10**(-10), self.r_max, self.n)
self.r_m = self.r[0:self.n+1]+self.dr/2
self.x0 = self.compute_x0(S, M)
self.r_squared = np.power(self.r_m, 2)
self.r_cubed = np.power(self.r_m, 3)
self.MN_0 = np.trapz(self.r_m, np.multiply(self.r_cubed, self.x0))
self.M_0 = (4 / 3)* np.pi * self.rho * self.MN_0
self.I_V = 1
def compute_x0(self, S, M):
p1 = np.multiply(2, np.power(S, 2))
p2 = np.multiply(S, np.sqrt(np.multiply(2, np.pi)))
p3 = np.log(self.r_m*1*10**(9)) - M
p4 = np.multiply(p2, self.r_m*10**(9))
p5 = np.power(-p3, 2)
p6 = np.multiply(p4, np.exp(np.divide(p5,p1)))
p7 = np.divide(1, p6)
return p7
def cycling_parameters():
S = 0.314
M = 0.944
p = P(S, M)
return p
def f(y, t):
p = cycling_parameters()
c_pt = y[0]
r = np.delete(y, 0)
p1 = np.multiply(p.Vm_Pt, p.k_rdp)
p2 = np.multiply(p1, c_pt)
p3 = np.multiply(p.Vm_Pt, p.k_dis)
drdt = np.multiply(p2, np.exp(np.divide(-p.R0, p.r_m))) - np.multiply(p3, np.exp(np.divide(p.R0, p.r_m)))
dmdt = np.multiply(4*np.pi*p.rho*np.power(p.r_m, 2), drdt)
p4 = np.multiply(r, dmdt)
dMdt = np.trapz(p.r_m, p4)
dcdt = p.I_V*p.m_V__M_Pt*(-dMdt)/p.M_0
p5 = np.multiply(r, drdt)
dfdt = - np.gradient(p5,p.dr)
ans = np.insert(dfdt, 0, dcdt)
return ans
def modified_model():
p = cycling_parameters()
c_pt_0 = 0
y0 = np.insert(p.x0, 0, c_pt_0)
t = np.linspace(0, 30, 500)
ans = odeint(f, y0, t, rtol = 1e-3, atol = 1e-5)
r = ans[:, 1:p.n+1]
c_Pt = ans[:, 0]
plt.plot(p.r_m, r[0, :], color='r', linewidth=0.5)
plt.plot(p.r_m, r[r.shape[0]-1, :], color='b', linewidth=0.5)
if __name__ == '__main__':