
时间:2019-06-20 17:44:42

标签: python mpi openmdao


Simple example coupling a serial and distributed ImplicitComponent

import numpy as np

import openmdao.api as om
from mpi4py import MPI
from openmdao.utils.array_utils import evenly_distrib_idxs

rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank

size = 3
A = np.array([[1.0, 8.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 10.0, 2.0], [3.0, 100.5, 1.0]])

This component solves the following quadratic equation in parallel:
    a_i0 * y_i^2 + a_i1 * y_i + a_i2 = x_i
    for i = {0,1,2}
where the coefficients are the components of the matrix A
class DistribQuadtric(om.ImplicitComponent):
    def initialize(self):
        self.options['distributed'] = True
        self.options.declare('size', types=int, default=1,
            desc="Size of input and output vectors.")

    def setup(self):
        comm = self.comm
        rank = comm.rank

        size_total = self.options['size']

        # Distribute x and y vectors across each processor as evenly as possible
        sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(comm.size, size_total)
        start = offsets[rank]
        end = start + sizes[rank]
        self.size_local = size_local = sizes[rank]

        # Get the local slice of A that this processor will be working with
        self.A_local = A[start:end,:]

        self.add_input('x', np.ones(size_local, float),
                       src_indices=np.arange(start, end, dtype=int))

        self.add_output('y', np.ones(size_local, float))

    def apply_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs, residuals):
        x = inputs['x']
        y = outputs['y']
        r = residuals['y']
        for i in range(self.size_local):
            r[i] = self.A_local[i, 0] * y[i]**2 + self.A_local[i, 1] * y[i] \
            + self.A_local[i, 2] - x[i]

    def solve_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs):
        x = inputs['x']
        y = outputs['y']
        for i in range(self.size_local):
            a = self.A_local[i, 0]
            b = self.A_local[i, 1]
            c = self.A_local[i, 2] - x[i]
            y[i] = (-b + np.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a)

This component solves the following linear equation in serial:
    Ax = y
class SerialLinear(om.ImplicitComponent):
    def initialize(self):

        self.options.declare('size', types=int, default=1,
                             desc="Size of input and output vectors.")

    def setup(self):
        size = self.options['size']

        self.add_input('y', np.ones(size, float))

        self.add_output('x', np.ones(size, float))

        self.A = A

    def apply_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs, residuals):
        y = inputs['y']
        x = outputs['x']
        r = residuals['x']
        r = y - A.dot(x)

    def solve_nonlinear(self, inputs, outputs):
        y = inputs['y']
        x = outputs['x']
        x[:] = np.linalg.inv(A).dot(y)

# Create a couple problem between the linear and quadratic components
prob = om.Problem()
top_group = prob.model
top_group.add_subsystem("distributed_quad", DistribQuadtric(size=size))
top_group.add_subsystem("serial_linear", SerialLinear(size=size))

# Connect variables between components
top_group.connect('serial_linear.x', 'distributed_quad.x')
top_group.connect('distributed_quad.y', 'serial_linear.y')

# Need a nonlinear solver since the model is coupled
top_group.nonlinear_solver = om.NonlinearBlockGS(iprint=2, maxiter=20)

# Setup problem

# Solver problem

# Print out solution
if prob.comm.rank == 0:
    print('x', prob['serial_linear.x'])
    print('y', prob['serial_linear.y'])


NL: NLBGS 0 ; 2.35754338 1
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 0.256315721 0.108721529
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 0.036527896 0.0154940504
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 0.00641965062 0.00272302545
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 0.0011292331 0.000478987198
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 0.000198654857 8.42635002e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 3.49479079e-05 1.48238663e-05
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 6.14814792e-06 2.60786205e-06
NL: NLBGS 8 ; 1.08160237e-06 4.58783657e-07
NL: NLBGS 9 ; 1.90279057e-07 8.0710734e-08
NL: NLBGS 10 ; 3.34745201e-08 1.41988989e-08
NL: NLBGS 11 ; 5.8889481e-09 2.49791717e-09
NL: NLBGS 12 ; 1.03600386e-09 4.3944212e-10
NL: NLBGS 13 ; 1.8225669e-10 7.7307884e-11
NL: NLBGS Converged
('x', array([-0.01251987,  0.00136932, -0.11111688]))
('y', array([-0.00156529, -0.19602066, -0.01105954]))


NL: NLBGS 0 ; 5.66931072 1
NL: NLBGS 1 ; 0.6855401 0.120921243
NL: NLBGS 2 ; 0.0993351375 0.0175215546
NL: NLBGS 3 ; 0.0174731006 0.00308205026
NL: NLBGS 4 ; 0.00307353315 0.000542135243
NL: NLBGS 5 ; 0.00054069662 9.537255e-05
NL: NLBGS 6 ; 9.51208366e-05 1.67782013e-05
NL: NLBGS 7 ; 1.67339624e-05 2.95167495e-06
NL: NLBGS 8 ; 2.94389363e-06 5.19268351e-07
NL: NLBGS 9 ; 5.17899477e-07 9.1351401e-08
NL: NLBGS 10 ; 9.11105862e-08 1.60708401e-08
NL: NLBGS 11 ; 1.60284752e-08 2.82723526e-09
NL: NLBGS 12 ; 2.81978416e-09 4.97376895e-10
NL: NLBGS 13 ; 4.96064272e-10 8.74999266e-11
NL: NLBGS Converged
('x', array([-0.01251987,  0.00136932, -0.11111688]))
('y', array([-0.00156529, -0.19602066, -0.01105954]))



    def get_norm(self):
        Return the norm of this vector.

            norm of this vector.
        return self._system.comm.allreduce(np.linalg.norm(self._data))



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