我有一个python + flask作业,用于查找文档相似度值并在界面上显示相似度数据。我的数据是存储在MySQL中的文章文档。
我已经完成了算法 结果是矩阵2d,如下所示:[(100,0,0),(50,0,1),(70,0,2)... N]
import math
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from Sastrawi.Stemmer.StemmerFactory import StemmerFactory
import string
import itertools
import mysql.connector
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
user= "root",
mycursor = mydb.cursor()
mycursor.execute("SELECT content FROM news_tb")
x = mycursor.fetchall()
documents = list(itertools.chain(*x))
#1. tokenizing stopword dan stemming
dictOfWords = {}
for index, sentence in enumerate(documents):
sentence = sentence.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
# print(sentence)
tokenizedWords = word_tokenize(sentence)
listStopword = set(stopwords.words('indonesian'))
factory = StemmerFactory()
stemmer = factory.create_stemmer()
wordsFiltered = []
for t in tokenizedWords:
if t not in listStopword:
wordsFiltered = [stemmer.stem(word) for word in wordsFiltered]
# print(wordsFiltered)
dictOfWords[index] = [word for word in wordsFiltered]
# print(dictOfWords)
#2. Menghilangkan kata duplikat
termFrequency = []
for i in range(0, len(documents)):
for wordFreq in dictOfWords[i]:
if wordFreq not in termFrequency[i]:
# termFrequency = listOfNoDuplicates
# print(termFrequency)
#TF hitung kemunculan kata (tf murni) dalam kalimat
def term_frequency(term, tokenized_document):
return tokenized_document.count(term)
#tf logaritmik
def sublinear_term_frequency(term, tokenized_document):
count = tokenized_document.count(term)
if count == 0:
return 0
return 1 + math.log10(count)
#rumus buat TF normalisasi
def augmented_term_frequency(term, tokenized_document):
max_count = max([term_frequency(t, tokenized_document) for t in tokenized_document])
return (0.5 + ((0.5 * term_frequency(term, tokenized_document))/max_count))
# IDF RUMUS = log(n/df) n= jumlah dokumen df = jumlah dokumen dimana istilah/kata itu muncul
def inverse_document_frequencies(tokenized_documents):
idf_values = {}
all_tokens_set = set([item for sublist in tokenized_documents for item in sublist])
# print(all_tokens_set)
for tkn in all_tokens_set:
contains_token = map(lambda doc: tkn in doc, tokenized_documents)
idf_values[tkn] = math.log10(len(tokenized_documents)/(sum(contains_token)))
return idf_values
def tfidf(documents):
# tokenized_documents = [tokenize(d) for d in documents]
# print(documents)
idf = inverse_document_frequencies(documents)
# print(idf.keys())
tfidf_documents = []
for document in documents:
doc_tfidf = []
for term in idf.keys():
tf = term_frequency(term, document)
doc_tfidf.append(tf * idf[term])
return tfidf_documents
def cosine_similarity(vector1, vector2):
dot_product = sum(p*q for p,q in zip(vector1, vector2))
magnitude = math.sqrt(sum([val**2 for val in vector1])) * math.sqrt(sum([val**2 for val in vector2]))
if not magnitude:
return 0
return dot_product/magnitude
def hasil():
tfidf_representation = tfidf(termFrequency)
our_tfidf_comparisons = []
for count_0, doc_0 in enumerate(tfidf_representation):
for count_1, doc_1 in enumerate(tfidf_representation):
our_tfidf_comparisons.append((cosine_similarity(doc_0, doc_1), count_0, count_1))
# print(termFrequency)
# print(our_tfidf_comparisons)
return our_tfidf_comparisons
- article 0 compared to article 0 the value is 100
- article 0 compared to article 1 the value is 50
- article 0 compared to article 2 the value is 70
我的问题,如何找出商品0-N的ID 例如,我的数据是5,它是1-5,如何知道商品0是ID 1,商品1是ID 2,依此类推