"""B = batch size, S = sequence length (num. timesteps), V = vocabulary size, H = number of hidden dimensions"""
class LocalAttention(Layer):
def __init__(self, size, window_width=None, **kwargs):
super(LocalAttention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.size = size
self.window_width = window_width # 2*D
def build(self, input_shape):
self.W_p = Dense(units=input_shape[2], use_bias=False)
self.W_p.build(input_shape=(None, None, input_shape[2])) # (B, 1, H)
self._trainable_weights += self.W_p.trainable_weights
self.v_p = Dense(units=1, use_bias=False)
self.v_p.build(input_shape=(None, None, input_shape[2])) # (B, 1, H)
self._trainable_weights += self.v_p.trainable_weights
super(Attention, self).build(input_shape)
def call(self, inputs):
sequence_length = inputs.shape[1]
## Get h_t, the current (target) hidden state ##
target_hidden_state = Lambda(function=lambda x: x[:, -1, :])(inputs) # (B, H)
## Get h_s, source hidden states ##
aligned_position = self.W_p(target_hidden_state) # (B, H)
aligned_position = Activation('tanh')(aligned_position) # (B, H)
aligned_position = self.v_p(aligned_position) # (B, 1)
aligned_position = Activation('sigmoid')(aligned_position) # (B, 1)
aligned_position = aligned_position * sequence_length # (B, 1)
张量具有元素[24.2,15.1,12.3],用于批处理大小= B = 3,用于简化。然后,源隐藏状态是从输入隐藏状态(B = 3,S,H)派生的,因此对于第一个示例,我们采用从24开始的时间步长,因此沿first_batch_states = Lambda(function=lambda x: x[:, 24:, :])(inputs)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
gaussian_estimation = lambda s: tf.exp(-tf.square(s - aligned_position) /
(2 * tf.square(self.window_width / 2)))
gaussian_factor = gaussian_estimation(0)
for i in range(1, sequence_length):
gaussian_factor = Concatenate()([gaussian_factor, gaussian_estimation(i)])
# Adjust weights via gaussian_factor: (B, S*) to allow differentiability
attention_weights = attention_weights * gaussian_factor # (B, S*)
aligned_position = self.W_p(inputs) # (B, S, H)
aligned_position = Activation('tanh')(aligned_position) # (B, S, H)
aligned_position = self.v_p(aligned_position) # (B, S, 1)
aligned_position = Activation('sigmoid')(aligned_position) # (B, S, 1)
## Only keep top D values out of the sigmoid activation, and zero-out the rest ##
aligned_position = tf.squeeze(aligned_position, axis=-1) # (B, S)
top_probabilities = tf.nn.top_k(input=aligned_position,
sorted=False) # (values:(B, D), indices:(B, D))
onehot_vector = tf.one_hot(indices=top_probabilities.indices,
depth=sequence_length) # (B, D, S)
onehot_vector = tf.reduce_sum(onehot_vector, axis=1) # (B, S)
aligned_position = Multiply()([aligned_position, onehot_vector]) # (B, S)
aligned_position = tf.expand_dims(aligned_position, axis=-1) # (B, S, 1)
source_hidden_states = Multiply()([inputs, aligned_position]) # (B, S*=S(D), H)
## Scale back-to approximately original hidden state values ##
aligned_position += 1 # (B, S, 1)
source_hidden_states /= aligned_position # (B, S*=S(D), H)