
时间:2019-06-19 01:11:33

标签: python-3.x anaconda yaml macos-mojave



conda env create -f=/Users/user1/Desktop/stuff⁩/py36_cust1.yml


WARNING: The conda.compat module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
WARNING: The conda.compat module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

EnvironmentFileNotFound: '/Users/user1/Desktop/stuff⁩/py36_cust1.yml' file not found


name: py36
  - anaconda
  - cvxgrp
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - beautifulsoup4
  - patsy
  - sqlite
  - tk
  - asn1crypto
  - ca-certificates
  - certifi
  - cffi
  - clangdev
  - cryptography
  - cryptography-vectors
  - cycler
  - fftw
  - freetype
  - glpk
  - gmp
  - icu
  - idna
  - kiwisolver
  - lapack
  - libiconv
  - libpng
  - libxml2
  - lightgbm
  - llvmdev
  - matplotlib
  - metis
  - mkl_fft
  - mkl_random
  - mlxtend
  - openblas
  - openmp
  - openssl
  - pandas
  - pycparser
  - pyopenssl
  - pyparsing
  - pysocks
  - python
  - pytz
  - selenium
  - tbb
  - urllib3
  - cvxcanon
  - cvxpy
  - ecos
  - multiprocess
  - scs
  - backcall
  - blas
  - cvxopt
  - decorator
  - dill
  - dsdp
  - fastcache
  - gsl
  - intel-openmp
  - ipykernel
  - ipython
  - ipython_genutils
  - jedi
  - jupyter_client
  - jupyter_core
  - libedit
  - libffi
  - libgcc
  - libgfortran
  - libopenblas
  - libsodium
  - mkl
  - ncurses
  - numpy
  - numpy-base
  - parso
  - pexpect
  - pickleshare
  - pip
  - prompt_toolkit
  - ptyprocess
  - pygments
  - python-dateutil
  - pyzmq
  - readline
  - scikit-learn
  - scipy
  - setuptools
  - simplegeneric
  - six
  - suitesparse
  - toolz
  - tornado
  - traitlets
  - wcwidth
  - wheel
  - xz
  - zeromq
  - zlib
  - pip:
    - absl-py
    - astor
    - bleach
    - cython
    - gast
    - grpcio
    - h5py
    - html5lib
    - keras
    - keras-applications
    - keras-preprocessing
    - markdown
    - pillow
    - protobuf
    - pyramid-arima
    - pyyaml
    - sklearn
    - statsmodels
    - tensorboard
    - tensorflow
    - termcolor
    - tqdm
    - werkzeug
    - xlrd
    - libcxx
    - libcxxabi
    - appnope
prefix: /Users/userother/anaconda2/envs/py36

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