templateForm = new FormGroup({
title: new FormControl(),
description: new FormControl(),
items: new FormArray([
new FormGroup({
type: new FormControl('table'),
rows: new FormArray([
new FormGroup({
header: new FormControl(''),
values: new FormArray([
new FormControl('Test')
<div *ngSwitchCase="'table'">
<tr class="row">
<th class="col s2 m2 l2" *ngFor="let row of item.controls.rows.controls; index as rowIndex">
<a (click)="removeTableRow(i, rowIndex)" class="rmRow btn-floating btn-small waves-effect waves-light red"><i class="small material-icons">remove</i></a>
<a (click)="addTableRow(i)" class="btn-floating btn-small waves-effect waves-light blue"><i class="small material-icons">add</i></a>
<tr class="row">
<th class="col s2 m2 l2" *ngFor="let row of item.controls.rows.controls; index as y">
<div formArrayName="rows">
<form [formGroup]="row" novalidate>
<input type="text" formControlName="header">
<tr class="row" *ngFor="let column of item.controls.rows.controls[0].controls.values.controls; index as y">
<div class="col s2 m2 l2" *ngFor="let row of item.controls.rows.controls">
<div *ngFor="let value of row.controls.values.controls; let valI = index">
<div formArrayName="values" >
<input type="text" [formControlName]="valI">
</div> !! How to set value in values array to formControl !!