
时间:2019-06-14 12:15:33

标签: mesh fipy


我正在使用Win10,Fipy 3.1.3,Python 3.6

import numpy as np
from fipy import *
def func_mesh():
    mesh = Gmsh3D('''
    Geometry.OCCAutoFix = 0;

    x = 1.;
    bseg = 0.08;
    bs= bseg*x;
    ls = 2.1; 
    cl = 0.01;
    radius = 0.006;

    // Exterior (bounding box) of mesh
    Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, cl};
    Point(2) = {0, bs, 0, cl};
    Point(4) = { bs,  0, 0, cl};
    Point(3) = {bs,  bs, 0, cl};
    Line(1) = {1, 2};
    Line(2) = {2, 3};
    Line(3) = {3, 4};
    Line(4) = {4, 1};
    Line Loop (21) = {1,2,3,4};

    Point(5) = {bseg/2 - radius, bseg/2, 0, cl};
    Point(6) = {bseg/2, bseg/2 + radius, 0, cl};
    Point(7) = { bseg/2 + radius, bseg/2, 0, cl};
    Point(8) = {bseg/2, bseg/2 - radius, 0, cl};
    Point(9) =  {bseg/2, bseg/2, 0, cl};

    Circle(10) = {5,9,6};
    Circle(11) = {6,9,7};
    Circle(12) = {7,9,8};
    Circle(13) = {8,9,5};
    Line Loop(22) = {10,11,12,13};
    Plane Surface(40) = {22}; //cycl

    Plane Surface(15) = {21, 22}; //Surface with a hole

    id[] = Extrude {0, 0, ls} {Surface{15}; Layers{210}; Recombine;};

    Surface Loop(2) = {46, 45, 48, 47, 49, 41, 44, 43, 42, 15};

    Physical Volume("Vol") = {id[]};

    Physical Surface("surf_ges") = {41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 47, 45, 48, 46, 15};

    Physical Surface("HX") = {45, 46, 48, 47};

    Physical Surface("Extr") = {15};

    return mesh

    mesh = func_mesh()

    x,y,z = mesh.cellCenters 
    X,Y,Z = mesh.faceCenters

    tS = CellVariable(name="storage", 

submesh = mesh.physicalFaces['Extr']
xsub, ysub = submesh.cellCenters
tSslice = CellVariable(name = 'tSsclice',
                 mesh = submesh,
                 value = tS[z== z[0]])
viewer = MatplotlibViewer(vars = tSslice)

此尝试失败的错误消息是:AttributeError:'binOp'对象没有属性'cellCenters'。 如果仅在拉伸命令之前重新定义网格,则会得到: 由于tSslice的形状,导致出现“ ValueError:太多值无法解包(预期2)”。 感谢您的帮助

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



从理论上讲,您可以调用Gmsh2D直到Plane Surface(15) = {21, 22}; //Surface with a hole的所有内容,但是我发现生成的元素数量与z == z[0]处的3D切片数量不同。

啊,我明白了。我以为Extrude操作导致了棱柱形单元,但事实并非如此。细胞是四面体的。由于mesh的像元并非都具有相同的四面体几何形状,因此不能保证所有以Extr为基础的像元都位于z == z[0]的中心。更好的方法是使用FiPy的CellVariable插值在tS的坐标处提取tSslice的值:

from fipy import *

geo = '''
Geometry.OCCAutoFix = 0;

x = 1.;
bseg = 0.08;
bs= bseg*x;
ls = 2.1; 
cl = 0.01;
radius = 0.006;

// Exterior (bounding box) of mesh
Point(1) = {0, 0, 0, cl};
Point(2) = {0, bs, 0, cl};
Point(4) = { bs,  0, 0, cl};
Point(3) = {bs,  bs, 0, cl};
Line(1) = {1, 2};
Line(2) = {2, 3};
Line(3) = {3, 4};
Line(4) = {4, 1};
Line Loop (21) = {1,2,3,4};

Point(5) = {bseg/2 - radius, bseg/2, 0, cl};
Point(6) = {bseg/2, bseg/2 + radius, 0, cl};
Point(7) = { bseg/2 + radius, bseg/2, 0, cl};
Point(8) = {bseg/2, bseg/2 - radius, 0, cl};
Point(9) =  {bseg/2, bseg/2, 0, cl};

Circle(10) = {5,9,6};
Circle(11) = {6,9,7};
Circle(12) = {7,9,8};
Circle(13) = {8,9,5};
Line Loop(22) = {10,11,12,13};
Plane Surface(40) = {22}; //cycl

Plane Surface(15) = {21, 22}; //Surface with a hole

id[] = Extrude {0, 0, ls} {Surface{15}; Layers{210}; Recombine;};

Surface Loop(2) = {46, 45, 48, 47, 49, 41, 44, 43, 42, 15};

Physical Volume("Vol") = {id[]};

Physical Surface("Extr") = {15};

mesh = Gmsh3D(geo + '''
Physical Surface("surf_ges") = {41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 47, 45, 48, 46, 15};

Physical Surface("HX") = {45, 46, 48, 47};
submesh = Gmsh2D(geo)

x,y,z = mesh.cellCenters 
X,Y = submesh.cellCenters[..., submesh.physicalCells['Extr']]
Z = numerix.ones(X.shape) * z[0]

tS = CellVariable(name="storage", 
                  value=mesh.x * mesh.y * mesh.z, 

tSslice = CellVariable(name = 'tSsclice',
                 mesh = submesh)

# interpolate values of tS at positions of tSslice
tSslice[..., submesh.physicalCells['Extr']] = tS(numerix.vstack([X, Y, Z]))

viewer = MatplotlibViewer(vars = tSslice)

在这里,我使用相同的.geo脚本来定义meshsubmesh。我仅将surf_gesHX物理表面添加到mesh的定义中,因为否则所有这些面也将被导入到submesh中,尽管有效的{ {1}}的值为0,因此它们会掩盖您感兴趣的面孔。

坦率地说,我认为通过3D数据实现切片的一种更好的方法是使用自定义的MayaviClient(例如,请参见Cahn-Hilliard spheresphereDaemon.py)或导出使用VTKViewer,然后使用诸如ParaViewVisItMayavi之类的工具呈现数据切片。