
时间:2019-06-13 15:00:57

标签: haskell polymorphism parametric-polymorphism


newtype SourceFilepath = SourceFilepath String deriving (Show)
newtype HeaderFilepath = HeaderFilepath String deriving (Show)
-- ..many more wrappers

data Source =
  Source {..}

data Header = 
  Header {..}

data Metadata = 
  Metadata {..}

-- .. many more record types

我想创建一个通用函数loadSource,该函数接受某些类型(实际上仅是文件路径包装器),并根据提供的类型产生另一种特定类型的值(SourceHeader,{ {1}}等。伪代码:


此功能无法使用,我遇到多个loadSource :: a -> Compiler b loadSource (SourceFilepath path) = subload path loadSource (HeaderFilepath path) = subload path -- .. other cases for other types -- -- `a` can be filepath wrappers -- different `a` can lead to the same `b` sometimes a’ is a rigid type variable bound by the type signature错误。


rigid b..


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

class Loadable a where
  filepath :: a -> String
  type Load a


instance Loadable SourceFilepath where
  filepath (SourceFilepath pth) = pth
  type Load SourceFilepath = Source
instance Loadable HeaderFilepath where
  filepath (HeaderFilepath pth) = pth
  type Load HeaderFilepath = Header
instance Loadable MetadataFilepath where
  filepath (MetadataFilepath pth) = pth
  type Load MetadataFilepath = Metadata

请注意,将两个文件路径包装器映射到相同的编译器子类型没有问题(例如type Load HeaderFilepath = Source可以正常工作)。


subload :: FromJSON b => FilePath -> Compiler b
subload = ...


loadSource :: (Loadable a, FromJSON (Load a)) => a -> Compiler (Load a)
loadSource = subload . filepath


> :t loadSource (SourceFilepath "bob")
loadSource (SourceFilepath "bob") :: Compiler Source
> :t loadSource (MetadataFilepath "alice")
loadSource (MetadataFilepath "alice") :: Compiler Metadata



{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

import Data.Aeson
import GHC.Generics

newtype SourceFilepath = SourceFilepath String deriving (Show)
newtype HeaderFilepath = HeaderFilepath String deriving (Show)
newtype MetadataFilepath = MetadataFilepath String deriving (Show)

data Source = Source deriving (Generic)
data Header = Header deriving (Generic)
data Metadata = Metadata deriving (Generic)

instance FromJSON Source
instance FromJSON Header
instance FromJSON Metadata

data Compiler b = Compiler

subload :: FromJSON b => FilePath -> Compiler b
subload = undefined

class Loadable a where
  filepath :: a -> String
  type Load a
instance Loadable SourceFilepath where
  filepath (SourceFilepath pth) = pth
  type Load SourceFilepath = Source
instance Loadable HeaderFilepath where
  filepath (HeaderFilepath pth) = pth
  type Load HeaderFilepath = Header
instance Loadable MetadataFilepath where
  filepath (MetadataFilepath pth) = pth
  type Load MetadataFilepath = Metadata

loadSource :: (Loadable a, FromJSON (Load a)) => a -> Compiler (Load a)
loadSource = subload . filepath


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

import Data.Aeson
import GHC.Generics

newtype TypedFilePath a = TypedFilePath FilePath deriving (Show)

data Source = Source deriving (Generic)
data Header = Header deriving (Generic)
data Metadata = Metadata deriving (Generic)

instance FromJSON Source
instance FromJSON Header
instance FromJSON Metadata

data Compiler b = Compiler

subload :: FromJSON b => FilePath -> Compiler b
subload = undefined

type family Load a where
  Load Source = Source
  Load Header = Header
  Load Metadata = Metadata

loadSource :: FromJSON (Load a) => TypedFilePath a -> Compiler (Load a)
loadSource (TypedFilePath fn) = subload fn

答案 1 :(得分:1)


newtype WrappedFilePath a = WrappedFilePath FilePath

loadSource :: FromJSON a => WrappedFilePath a -> Compiler a
loadSource (WrappedFilePath p) = subload fp
