如何使用Maya C ++ API创建着色组并分配给多边形
我已经使用Maya C ++ API创建了一个多边形,但是它只是一个变换和一个网格,它连接到initialShadingGroup。
MStatus status;
MFnDependencyNode fnPolySp;
MObject objPolySp = fnPolySp.create("polySphere");
MFnDagNode fnPolyTrans;
If a parent is specified, the new node is parented to it,
and the new node is returned. If no parent is specified
and the new node is a transform, the new node is returned.
Otherwise, a transform created and the new node is automatically
parented to it. The returned object is the transform, not the new node.
MObject objPolyTrans = fnPolyTrans.create("transform");
MFnDagNode fnPolyShape;
MObject objPolyShp = fnPolyShape.create("mesh", objPolyTrans);
MDGModifier dgMod;
MPlug srcPlug = fnPolySp.findPlug("output");
MPlug destPlug = fnPolyShape.findPlug("inMesh");
dgMod.connect(srcPlug, destPlug);
MFnDependencyNode sn;
MDagPath dagPath;
MObject component;
MObject shadingnode = sn.create("lambert");
MFnSet fnSG(shadingnode, &status);
if (fnSG.restriction() != MFnSet::kRenderableOnly)
return MS::kFailure;
status = fnSG.addMember(dagPath, objPolyTrans);
if (status != MS::kSuccess)
cerr << " ! MShadingGroup::assignToShadingGroup could not add Dag/Component to SG ! " << endl;
setResult( "MayaPluginWizard1 command executed!\n" );
MGlobal::displayInfo("MayaPluginWizard1 command redoit!\n");
return MS::kSuccess;
最后,我只想用一种新的兰伯特材料创建一个球体 就像单击Maya Shelt中的球体一样。
我知道如何使用python / mel或c ++ api创建mel / python。
我只想知道如何使用c ++ API