
时间:2019-06-13 03:19:03

标签: variables functional-programming scheme lisp racket



(lambda ()
      (let ((more a))
        (set! a b)
        (set! b (+ more b))

我想使用a的值来更改b,我想使用b的值来更改(+ more b),但是要使用纯功能范式,而没有set!

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


(define f1
  (λ (a b)
    ... code that uses a and b ...
    (let ([tmp a])
      (set! a b)
      (set! b tmp))
    ... code that uses a and b, now swapped ...))


(define f1
  (λ (a b)
    ... code that uses a and b ...
    (f2 b a)))

(define f2
  (λ (a b)
    ... code that uses a and b, now swapped ...))


(define f1
  (λ (a b)
    ... code that uses a and b ...
    ((λ (a b)
       ... code that uses a and b, now swapped ...)
     b a))


(define f1
  (λ (a b)
    (let ([b a] [a b])



现在这是一个聪明的地方:该方案必须正确地进行尾递归。这意味着必须通过实现消除尾调用。在Scheme中,函数调用本质上是GO TO传递自变量,正如著名的“ Lambda the Ultimate”论文之一Debunking the 'Expensive Procedure Call' Myth, or, Procedure Call Implementations Considered Harmful, or, Lambda: The Ultimate GOTO中所述。最初为f2并成为匿名函数的函数调用是尾部调用,因此必须消除。任何合理的Scheme实现都很可能会将这段代码转换为与具有赋值的朴素代码相同或更好的代码。

关于lambda-the-ultimate论文的注释:用来存放它们的副本的站点以及仍然有很多链接的站点(包括Wikipedia的)已经变成了垃圾邮件:请点击这些链接(该站点的名称包含“ read”和“ scheme”一词)。现在寻找它们的最佳地点似乎是AI Memos repository at MIT。令人讨厌的是,它们变得非常难找到,因为它们绝对是基础论文。

答案 1 :(得分:4)

修改变量的那一刻,您将退出功能范式。最后标有“ !”的过程本质上是 procedural ,如果要编写纯功能代码,则应避免使用它们。

您可以 做的是调用另一个函数(如果写一个循环,可能是同一个函数),将“变量”的 new 值作为参数传递。例如:

(define a 26)
(define b 16)

(define (print-new-values a b)
  ; the modified values exist
  ; only inside this procedure
  (printf "a is ~s~n" a)
  (printf "b is ~s~n" b))

(let ((more a))
  ; notice that the parameter a = b
  ; and that the parameter b = more + b
  ; we didn't reassign anything, instead
  ; the parameters got bound to new values  
  (print-new-values b (+ more b)))

=> a is 16
   b is 42


(define a 26)
(define b 16)

(let ((more a))
  (set! a b)
  (set! b (+ more b))
  (printf "a is ~s~n" a)
  (printf "b is ~s~n" b))

=> a is 16
   b is 42

答案 2 :(得分:1)


(let ((a 10)) (b 20))
  (let ((b a) (a b))
    (list a b))) ; ==> (20 10)


(define (fib-node a b)
  (cons a b))

(define (fib-b f)
  (cdr f))

(define (fib-value f)
  (car f))

(define (fib-next f)
  (let ((b (fib-b f)))
    (fib-node b (+ b (fib-value f)))))

(define fib-null (fib-node 0 1))

;; iterating Fibonacci numbers without setting anything
(let loop ((n 10) (cur fib-null) (acc '()))
  (if (zero? n)
      (reverse acc)
      (loop (- n 1) (fib-next cur) (cons (fib-value cur) acc))))
; ==> (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)

答案 3 :(得分:0)


(define set/a/b
  (lambda (a b return)
    ;; new/a <= b
    ;; new/b <= a+b
    (return b (+ a b))))

(define new/values
  (lambda (a b return)
    (set/a/b a b return)))

(new/values 10 20
  (lambda (new/a new/b)
    (display new/a)(newline)
    (display new/b)(newline)))