
时间:2019-06-12 18:58:23

标签: excel vba

我正在尝试编写一些代码,要求您放入一定数量的代码。如果输入的号码不正确,则会弹出一个消息框,提示您重试或取消。如果再次单击try,它只会循环回到第一个问题,而cancel则使inputbox =“”,然后继续退出子菜单,并留下一个空单元格。问题是,到目前为止,将某处错误放入并单击取消的一次迭代会立即起作用,并且会留下一个空单元格。但是,如果我输入一个数字,例如33333,请再次单击“尝试”,然后输入22222(这仍然是错误的),然后单击“取消”,因为我想退出循环,它退出了循环,但留下了“ 22222”而不是将单元格留空。

Sub InputNum()

    'input number
    Dim lotData As String

    'requests an input number to be put in
    lotData = InputBox("Scan in Lot #")

    'checks to ensure the number put in is 3 characters long
    If Len(lotData) <> 3 Then
        'error message
        Result = MsgBox("Invalid Lot # Inputed. Must be 3 Characters. Try Again?", vbOKCancel)
        'if cancel is clicked, input number is made blank and sub is exited
        If Result = vbCancel Then
            lotData = ""
            Exit Sub
        'if ok is clicked to try again, recurses to beginning of code again
        End If
    End If

    'input number is put into current cell
    ActiveCell.Value = lotData

End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


Sub InputNum()

    Dim InputMsg As String  'shown message
    Dim lotData As String   'input number

    InputMsg = "Scan in Lot #"
        lotData = InputBox(InputMsg)        'ask user to enter lot number
        If Len(lotData) = 0 Then Exit Sub   'pressed cancel, exit macro
        If Len(lotData) = 3 Then Exit Do    'entered valid lot number, exit Do loop
        InputMsg = "Invalid Lot # Inputed. Must be 3 Characters." & Chr(10) & "Scan in Lot #"   'Because invalid lot number was entered, update shown message to include the error

    'input number is put into current cell
    ActiveCell.Value = lotData

End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:2)

使用vbCancellotData设置为“”,但是在设置单元格值之前退出子菜单。在另一种情况下,您调用InputNum,但是不退出子程序,因此它仍然运行ActiveCell.Value = lotData行。

Sub InputNum()

    'input number
    Dim lotData As String

    'requests an input number to be put in
    lotData = InputBox("Scan in Lot #")

    'checks to ensure the number put in is 3 characters long
    If Len(lotData) <> 3 Then
        'error message
        Result = MsgBox("Invalid Lot # Inputed. Must be 3 Characters. Try Again?", vbOKCancel)
        'if cancel is clicked, input number is made blank and sub is exited
        If Result <> vbOK Then
            ActiveCell.Value = ""
        End If
        ActiveCell.Value = lotData
    End If

End Sub