
时间:2019-06-10 13:44:53

标签: ros

我正在关注ros教程,该教程关于如何构建柳絮工作区和运行文件。当我在要运行的文件上运行catkin_make时,我已经在Ubuntu 16.04上下载了ros lunar,但出现此错误:

Base path: /home/brian/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/brian/catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/brian/catkin_ws/build
Devel space: /home/brian/catkin_ws/devel
Install space: /home/brian/catkin_ws/install
#### Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/brian/catkin_ws/build"
-- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /home/brian/catkin_ws/devel
-- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /opt/ros/lunar
-- This workspace overlays: /opt/ros/lunar
-- Using PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/python
-- Using Debian Python package layout
-- Using empy: /usr/bin/empy
-- Call enable_testing()
-- Using CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: /home/brian/catkin_ws/build/test_results
-- Found gmock sources under '/usr/src/gmock': gmock will be built
-- Found gtest sources under '/usr/src/gmock': gtests will be built
-- Using Python nosetests: /usr/bin/nosetests-2.7
-- catkin 0.7.14
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ~~  traversing 5 packages in topological order:
-- ~~  - gantry_moveit_config
-- ~~  - pose_publish_gantry
-- ~~  - image_pub
-- ~~  - ira_photonfocus_driver
-- ~~  - opto_ncdt_1420_read
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'gantry_moveit_config'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(wound_closure_gantry_project/gantry_scanner/gantry_moveit_config)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'pose_publish_gantry'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(wound_closure_gantry_project/gantry_scanner/pose_publish)
CMake Warning at /opt/ros/lunar/share/cmake_modules/cmake/Modules/FindEigen.cmake:62 (message):
  The FindEigen.cmake Module in the cmake_modules package is deprecated.

  Please use the FindEigen3.cmake Module provided with Eigen.  Change
  instances of find_package(Eigen) to find_package(Eigen3).  Check the
  FindEigen3.cmake Module for the resulting CMake variable names.

Call Stack (most recent call first):
  wound_closure_gantry_project/gantry_scanner/pose_publish/CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package)

-- Eigen found (include: /usr/include/eigen3)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'image_pub'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(image_pub)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'ira_photonfocus_driver'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(wound_closure_gantry_project/ira_photonfocus_driver)
-- x86_64
CMake Warning at /opt/ros/kinetic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:76 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "driver_base" with
  any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "driver_base" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "driver_base_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
  "driver_base" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it
  has been installed.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  wound_closure_gantry_project/ira_photonfocus_driver/CMakeLists.txt:152 (find_package)

-- Could not find the required component 'driver_base'. The following CMake error indicates that you either need to install the package with the same name or change your environment so that it can be found.
CMake Error at /opt/ros/kinetic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:83 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "driver_base" with
  any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "driver_base" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "driver_base_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
  "driver_base" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it
  has been installed.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  wound_closure_gantry_project/ira_photonfocus_driver/CMakeLists.txt:152 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/brian/catkin_ws/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/home/brian/catkin_ws/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
Makefile:318: recipe for target 'cmake_check_build_system' failed
make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
Invoking "make cmake_check_build_system" failed
brian@Briansvm:~/catkin_ws$ man cmake
brian@Briansvm:~/catkin_ws$ sudo apt-get install ros-lunar-ros-driverr_base
[sudo] password for brian: 

[1]+  Stopped                 sudo apt-get install ros-lunar-ros-driverr_base
brian@Briansvm:~/catkin_ws$ sudo apt-get install ros-lunar-ros-driver_base
[sudo] password for brian: 
Sorry, try again.
[sudo] password for brian: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package ros-lunar-ros-driver_base
brian@Briansvm:~/catkin_ws$ catkin_make
Base path: /home/brian/catkin_ws
Source space: /home/brian/catkin_ws/src
Build space: /home/brian/catkin_ws/build
Devel space: /home/brian/catkin_ws/devel
Install space: /home/brian/catkin_ws/install
#### Running command: "make cmake_check_build_system" in "/home/brian/catkin_ws/build"
-- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /home/brian/catkin_ws/devel
-- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /opt/ros/lunar
-- This workspace overlays: /opt/ros/lunar
-- Using PYTHON_EXECUTABLE: /usr/bin/python
-- Using Debian Python package layout
-- Using empy: /usr/bin/empy
-- Call enable_testing()
-- Using CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR: /home/brian/catkin_ws/build/test_results
-- Found gmock sources under '/usr/src/gmock': gmock will be built
-- Found gtest sources under '/usr/src/gmock': gtests will be built
-- Using Python nosetests: /usr/bin/nosetests-2.7
-- catkin 0.7.14
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- ~~  traversing 5 packages in topological order:
-- ~~  - gantry_moveit_config
-- ~~  - pose_publish_gantry
-- ~~  - image_pub
-- ~~  - ira_photonfocus_driver
-- ~~  - opto_ncdt_1420_read
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'gantry_moveit_config'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(wound_closure_gantry_project/gantry_scanner/gantry_moveit_config)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'pose_publish_gantry'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(wound_closure_gantry_project/gantry_scanner/pose_publish)
CMake Warning at /opt/ros/lunar/share/cmake_modules/cmake/Modules/FindEigen.cmake:62 (message):
  The FindEigen.cmake Module in the cmake_modules package is deprecated.

  Please use the FindEigen3.cmake Module provided with Eigen.  Change
  instances of find_package(Eigen) to find_package(Eigen3).  Check the
  FindEigen3.cmake Module for the resulting CMake variable names.

Call Stack (most recent call first):
  wound_closure_gantry_project/gantry_scanner/pose_publish/CMakeLists.txt:18 (find_package)

-- Eigen found (include: /usr/include/eigen3)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'image_pub'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(image_pub)
-- +++ processing catkin package: 'ira_photonfocus_driver'
-- ==> add_subdirectory(wound_closure_gantry_project/ira_photonfocus_driver)
-- x86_64
CMake Warning at /opt/ros/kinetic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:76 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "driver_base" with
  any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "driver_base" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "driver_base_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
  "driver_base" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it
  has been installed.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  wound_closure_gantry_project/ira_photonfocus_driver/CMakeLists.txt:152 (find_package)

-- Could not find the required component 'driver_base'. The following CMake error indicates that you either need to install the package with the same name or change your environment so that it can be found.
CMake Error at /opt/ros/kinetic/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:83 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "driver_base" with
  any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "driver_base" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "driver_base_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If
  "driver_base" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it
  has been installed.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  wound_closure_gantry_project/ira_photonfocus_driver/CMakeLists.txt:152 (find_package)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/brian/catkin_ws/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
See also "/home/brian/catkin_ws/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
Makefile:318: recipe for target 'cmake_check_build_system' failed
make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
Invoking "make cmake_check_build_system" failed

如果有人知道如何解决此问题,那我会非常感激的: sudo apt安装ros-lunar-ros-driver_base 我对ros还是陌生的任何其他建议,如果我真的不知道我在做什么,那么将不胜感激。

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