
时间:2019-06-08 20:16:55

标签: tensorflow keras tf.keras

我正在尝试创建一个顺序神经网络,其中输出为12个非排他概率(A概率,B概率,C概率……)。我的网络似乎学习了最常见的输出,并始终针对每个输入进行预测。我所有的输出值始终为“ 1”或“ 0”,中间没有任何值,并且在相同位置始终具有相同的值(详细信息如下)。




model = Sequential()
model.add( Dense( 150, input_dim=9600, activation='relu') )
model.add( LeakyReLU(alpha=.01) )
model.add( Dense( 50, activation='relu') )
model.add( LeakyReLU(alpha=.01) )
model.add( Dense( 12, activation='sigmoid') )

metrics_to_output=[ 'accuracy' ]
# I've tried many loss functions, not just mean_squared_error
model.compile( loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam', metrics=metrics_to_output )


def generate_data_from_files( file1, file2 ):
    input = numpy.load( file1, allow_pickle=True )
    output = numpy.load( file2, allow_pickle=True )

    # The file only has 2 values, and I generate 12 probabilities derived from those 2 values
    transformed_output = output.copy()
    new_shape = ( output.shape[ 0 ], 12 )
    transformed_output.resize( new_shape )

    for x in range( 0, len( output ) ):
        #First 6 probabilities model the value of output[ x ][ 0 ]
        transformed_output[ x ][ 0 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 0 ] <= -5.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 1 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 0 ] <= -3.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 2 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 0 ] <= -1.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 3 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 0 ] >= 1.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 4 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 0 ] >= 3.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 5 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 0 ] >= 5.0 else 0
        #Second 6 probabilities model the value of output[ x ][ 1 ]
        transformed_output[ x ][ 6 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 1 ] <= -5.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 7 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 1 ] <= -3.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 8 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 1 ] <= -1.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 9 ] = 1 if output[ x ][ 1 ] >= 1.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 10] = 1 if output[ x ][ 1 ] >= 3.0 else 0
        transformed_output[ x ][ 11] = 1 if output[ x ][ 1 ] >= 5.0 else 0
    return input, transformed_output

input, output = generate_data_from_file( file1, file2 )
model.fit( x=input, y=output, batch_size=8, epochs=1 )


0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



修改: 谢谢大家的建议。阅读更多有关此内容的信息后,我认为正在发生的事情是我的输出层变得饱和了。我将改用softsign代替Sigmoid(并调整逻辑以使-1为下限而不是0),希望对您有所帮助。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:-2)


model.add( Dense( 12, activation='sigmoid') )



model.add( Dense( 50, activation='relu') )
model.add( LeakyReLU(alpha=.01) )

