
时间:2019-06-01 17:14:28

标签: python k-means

关于我 一世 ;设置集群指标c i
词  成为k ķ  根据等式c i = argmin k || x i −μ k || 2
ci = argmink || xi−μk || 2 ,其中k ķ  是集群之一。

例如我的重点 一世  位于群集中,中心距该点最近。

编写一个名为assign_clusters_k_means的函数,请接受两个参数: •points:每个点的二维二维数组 •簇:每个簇的质心的二维二维数组。



例如[0,1,0,...,0]指示该点已分配给第二个群集,并且 [0,0,...,1]表示该点已分配给最后一个聚类

以下是我到目前为止所做的。您能否就我可能需要做的事情提供一些建议。 将numpy导入为np 将熊猫作为pd导入 points = np.array([[0,1],[2,2],[5,4],[3,6],[4,2]]) 簇= np.array([[0,1],[5,4]]) def Assign_clusters_k_means(点,簇):  distances = np.sqrt((((points-clusters [:, np.newaxis])** 2).sum(axis = 2)) cluster_weights = np.array(np.argmin(距离,轴= 0))  返回cluster_weights  cluster_weights = Assign_clusters_k_means(点,簇)  打印(cluster_weights)

此输出为  [0 0 1 1 1]

def Assign_clusters_k_means(点,簇):     “”     确定每个点最近的聚类,并返回一个指示最近聚类的数组

Positional Arguments:
    points: a 2-d numpy array where each row is a different point, and each
        column indicates the location of that point in that dimension
    clusters: a 2-d numpy array where each row is a different centroid cluster;
        each column indicates the location of that centroid in that dimension

    points = np.array([[0,1], [2,2], [5,4], [3,6], [4,2]])
    clusters = np.array([[0,1],[5,4]])
    cluster_weights = assign_clusters_k_means(points, clusters)

    print(cluster_weights) #--> np.array([[1, 0],
                                          [1, 0],
                                          [0, 1],
                                          [0, 1],
                                          [0, 1]])
# NB: "cluster_weights" is used as a common term between functions
# the name makes more sense in soft-clustering contexts

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