如何在IBM AIX上获得XGBoost和python工作

时间:2019-05-31 14:05:00

标签: python gcc aix xgboost powerpc


  1. 既没有找到用于AIX的XGBoost程序集,也没有找到不兼容的声明。
  2. 在AIX 7.1上使用gcc 8.3编译了XGBoost 0.9源
  3. 从demo / binary_classification /中运行测试:
$ python mapfeat.py
$ python mknfold.py agaricus.txt 1
$ ../../xgboost mushroom.conf
[09:37:32] 6513x126 matrix with 143286 entries loaded from agaricus.txt.train
[09:37:32] 1611x126 matrix with 35442 entries loaded from agaricus.txt.test
[09:37:32] [0]  test-error:0.016139     train-error:0.014433
[09:37:32] [1]  test-error:0.000000     train-error:0.001228
$ ../../xgboost mushroom.conf task=pred model_in=0002.model


[09:40:28] 1611x126 matrix with 35442 entries loaded from agaricus.txt.test
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
  what():  std::bad_alloc
IOT/Abort trap (core dumped)

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