
时间:2019-05-29 14:16:26

标签: c++ wav openal

我正在尝试使用OpenAL播放WAVE文件。我将文件内容加载到动态分配的const unsigned char*数组中。但是当我尝试使用alBufferData()上传所述数组时,出现AL_INVALID_VALUE错误。

    this->buffer_id_,       //id         :218892368
    this->format_,          //format     :AL_FORMAT_STEREO16
    this->data_buffer_ptr_, //data       :0x0d756040""
    this->data_buffer_size_,//data size  :17992800
    this->frequency_        //frequency  :44100
CheckForALError();  //Prints error: AL_INVALID_VALUE

根据文档,当“ size参数对于指定的格式无效,正在使用缓冲区或数据为NULL指针。”时,会发生此错误。我已经确认大小符合预期(大约17.1 MB),并控制了指针不是NULL。但是,指针似乎确实指向持有一堆\0:s的位置,这有点奇怪。我期望会有更多不同的值,因为我相信自己已经在其中加载了.wav文件。



//---------------------SOURCE SETUP---------------------//

//Generate one (1) source for this id
alGenSources((ALuint)1, &this->source_id_);

//Set position
alSource3f(this->source_id_, AL_POSITION, this->pos_.x, this->pos_.y, this->pos_.z);

alSource3f(this->source_id_, AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

//Set pitch
alSourcef(this->source_id_, AL_PITCH, 1);

//Set gain
alSourcef(this->source_id_, AL_GAIN, 1);

//Set if this audio source should loop
alSourcei(this->source_id_, AL_LOOPING, this->loop_);

//---------------------BUFFER SETUP---------------------//

//Generate one (1) buffer
alGenBuffers((ALuint)1, &this->buffer_id_);

//Load the WAVE file

//Link source and buffer
alSourcei(this->source_id_, AL_BUFFER, this->buffer_id_);


FILE* file_ptr = nullptr;
errno_t error;
error = fopen_s(&file_ptr, wav_path, "rb");

//Variables for storing file information
char file_type[4];
DWORD file_size;
DWORD chunk_size;
short format_type;
short channels;
DWORD sample_rate;
DWORD avg_bytes_per_sec;
short bytes_per_sample;
short bits_per_sample;
DWORD data_size;

//Confirm that the file is of the right format
//RIFF : 12 Bytes
//fmt  : 24 Bytes
//data : 8 + <data size>

//----------------------'RIFF' PART---------------------//

//Check for RIFF
fread(file_type, sizeof(char), 4, file_ptr);            //sizeof(char)*4 = 4 bytes

//Check for WAV
fread(&file_size, sizeof(DWORD), 1, file_ptr);          //sizeof(DWORD)*1 = 4 bytes
fread(file_type, sizeof(char), 4, file_ptr);            //sizeof(char) * 4 = 4 bytes

//Total: 12 bytes

//---------------------'fmt ' PART----------------------//

//Check for fmt
fread(file_type, sizeof(char), 4, file_ptr);            //sizeof(char)*4 = 4 bytes

//Fill some of the file variables
fread(&chunk_size, sizeof(DWORD), 1, file_ptr);         //sizeof(DWORD)*1 = 4 bytes
fread(&format_type, sizeof(short), 1, file_ptr);        //sizeof(short)*1 = 2 bytes
fread(&channels, sizeof(short), 1, file_ptr);           //sizeof(short)*1 = 2 bytes
fread(&sample_rate, sizeof(DWORD), 1, file_ptr);        //sizeof(DWORD)*1 = 4 bytes
fread(&avg_bytes_per_sec, sizeof(DWORD), 1, file_ptr);  //sizeof(DWORD)*1 = 4 bytes
fread(&bytes_per_sample, sizeof(short), 1, file_ptr);   //sizeof(short)*1 = 2 bytes
fread(&bits_per_sample, sizeof(short), 1, file_ptr);    //sizeof(short)*1 = 2 bytes

//Total: 24 bytes

//---------------------'data' PART----------------------//

//Check that we have reached the sound data
fread(file_type, sizeof(char), 4, file_ptr);            //sizeof(char)*4 = 4 bytes

//Check data size
fread(&data_size, sizeof(DWORD), 1, file_ptr);          //sizeof(DWORD)*1 = 4 bytes

//Allocate memory and read sound data
this->data_buffer_ptr_ = new unsigned char[data_size];
size_t read_values = fread(this->data_buffer_ptr_, sizeof(BYTE), data_size, file_ptr);
                                                        //sizeof(BYTE)*data_size = <data size> 

//Total: 8 + <data size>

//-------------------OTHER STUFF PART-------------------//

//Set frequency and data buffer size
this->frequency_ = sample_rate;
this->data_buffer_size_ = data_size;

//Identify format (NTS: The if-cases are sub-optimal, yes, but they give me better oversight)
if (bits_per_sample == 8 && channels == 1) { this->format_ = AL_FORMAT_MONO8; }
else if (bits_per_sample == 8 && channels == 2) { this->format_ = AL_FORMAT_STEREO8; }
else if (bits_per_sample == 16 && channels == 1) { this->format_ = AL_FORMAT_MONO16; }
else if (bits_per_sample == 16 && channels == 2) { this->format_ = AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; }

//Close file stream

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