
时间:2019-05-26 00:20:43

标签: assembly x86 masm




INCLUDE io.h            ; header file for input/output

.STACK 4096

Lenght DWORD   ?
Width DWORD  ?
Hight DWORD ?
prompt1 BYTE    "Enter lenght   ", 0
prompt2 BYTE    "Enter width", 0
prompt3 BYTE    "Enter hight", 0
string  BYTE    40 DUP (?)
resultLbl BYTE  "The volume is", 0
res    BYTE    11 DUP (?), 0

_MainProc PROC
        input   prompt1, string, 40      ; read ASCII characters
        atod    string          ; convert to integer
        mov     Length, eax    ; store in memory

        input   prompt2, string, 40      ; repeat for second number
        atod    string
        mov     Width, eax

        input   prompt3, string, 40      ; repeat for third number
        atod    string
        mov     Hight, eax

        mov      eax, Length    ; first number to EAX
        mul      eax, Width    ; add second number
        mul      eax, Hight    ; add second number

        dtoa    res, eax        ; convert to ASCII characters
        output  resultLbl, res          ; output label and sum

        mov     eax, 0  ; exit with return code 0
_MainProc ENDP
END                             ; end of source code


Description Severity    Code    Project File    Line    Suppression State
missing operand after unary operator    Error   A2081       27  
missing operand after unary operator    Error   A2081       31  
missing operand after unary operator    Error   A2081       41  
syntax error : ,    Error   A2008       42  
syntax error : ,    Error   A2008       43  
syntax error : width    Error   A2008   14  
The command "ml.exe /c /nologo /Zi /Fo"Debug\example.obj" /W3 /errorReport:prompt /Fl /Taexample.asm" exited with code 1.   Error   MSB3721 C:\Users\rzaman\Downloads\AARaianaZaman\solutions\solutions\windows32   70

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

mul指令仅接受一个参数,第二个参数根据您传递的参数的大小而在寄存器AL / AX / EAX中。英特尔说明手册中的信息-enter image description here 所以下面的代码应该工作-

mov eax, Length ; first number to EAX mul Width ; add second number mul Hight ; add second number
