例如,假设我们有变量,时间= [10,3,1,6,4,1,7,30,21,15,25,24],组= [0,0,0,1 ,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2],观察值= [1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1],其中时间是生存时间,groups是可以根据其进行生存时间分组的组id,观察到的是检查状态(1是观察到的数据,0表示被检查的数据)。
我已经使用Tensorflow用神经网络实现了该模型,但是现在我想在xgboost中尝试它,我不确定我的损失函数返回的grad和hess是我的情况(请参阅doc: https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/demo/guide-python/custom_objective.py)。
def compute_cox_loss(time, predict, observed, groups):
'''predict is the score output by the model,
other param are the same as in the problem description
#ensure the data have the correct shape
time = tf.reshape(time, (-1,))
predict = tf.reshape(predict, (-1,))
observed = tf.reshape(observed, (-1,))
#split the data into groups
splitted_time = tf.split(time, groups, axis=0)
splitted_predict = tf.split(predict, groups, axis=0)
splitted_observed = tf.split(observed, groups, axis=0)
#target is the total loss
target = 0
count = 1
batch_size = len(splitted_time)
#for each group, calculate the CoxPH loss and add it into target
for i in range(batch_size):
sorted_time = tf.sort(splitted_time[i], direction='ASCENDING')
sort_arg = tf.argsort(splitted_time[i], direction='ASCENDING')
sorted_predict = tf.exp( tf.gather(splitted_predict[i], sort_arg) )
sorted_observed = tf.gather(splitted_observed[i], sort_arg)
mask = tf.cast( sorted_observed, tf.bool )
L = tf.boolean_mask( tf.log(sorted_predict) - tf.log( tf.cumsum(sorted_predict, reverse=True) ), mask )
loss = -tf.reduce_mean(L)
target += loss
count += 1
return target/count