
时间:2019-05-24 05:16:28

标签: c++ recursion minimax

我想扩展我制作的较旧的Tic Tac Toe游戏,使两个玩家可以互相对抗。我想让用户可以选择对付困难的AI。问题是AI不会一直选择最佳动作。例如,如果先走,它将始终选择点1。如果用户选择了点2,它将选择点4。此后,无论用户选择什么(除点7之外),AI都不会选择点7。AI的胜利并非不可避免(用户仍然可以获胜)游戏),所以这不是问题。



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <array>

// This is a program to play a single game of tic-tac-toe
// between either two human (non-AI) players or an AI.

using namespace std;

void PrintBoard(array <char, 9>);
int programprogress();
int checkwin(array <char, 9>);
int minimax(array <char, 9>, int, int, bool);
int bestMove(array <char, 9>, int);
int Opposite(int);
char PlayerSymbol(int);

const int SIZE = 9;
array <char, SIZE> Pos = { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };
int player_number = 1;
int k = -11, result;
bool AI = false, first;

// Global variables used by 2 or more functions.
// Array had to be initialized with numbers instead of blank spaces
// because the check win function wouldn't work properly.

int main()
    string userinp;

    cout << "This is tic tac toe! Here's your board!" << endl;

    cout << "Would you like to play versus an AI? (Y/N)" << endl;
    cin >> userinp;
    if (userinp[0] == 'Y')
        cout << "Excellent! Would you like to start first, or second? (F/S)" << endl;
        cin >> userinp;
        if (userinp[0] == 'F')
            cout << "You will start first!" << endl;
            first = false;
            player_number = 2;

            cout << "The AI will start first!" << endl;
            first = true;
        AI = true;

        cout << "Excellent! Your game will start soon." << endl;

    result = programprogress();

    if (result == 1)
        cout << endl << "Player " << player_number << " has won!!!\n";
    else if (result == 10)
        cout << endl << "The AI has won! Better luck next time!\n";
    else if (result = -10)
        cout << endl << "You beat the world's best AI! Congratulations!\n";
        cout << endl << "The game has been drawn!" << endl;
    return 0;

void PrintBoard(array <char, 9> Pos)
    cout << setw(6) << "|" << setw(6) << "|" << endl << setw(3) << Pos[0] << setw(3) << "|" << setw(3) << Pos[1] << setw(3) << "|" << setw(3) << Pos[2] << "     TIC           TOE" << endl;
    cout << "_____|_____|_____" << endl;
    cout << setw(6) << "|" << setw(6) << "|" << endl << setw(3) << Pos[3] << setw(3) << "|" << setw(3) << Pos[4] << setw(3) << "|" << setw(3) << Pos[5] << "            TAC   " << endl;
    cout << "_____|_____|_____" << endl;
    cout << setw(6) << "|" << setw(6) << "|" << endl << setw(3) << Pos[6] << setw(3) << "|" << setw(3) << Pos[7] << setw(3) << "|" << setw(3) << Pos[8] << "     TIC            TOE  " << endl;
    cout << "     |     |" << endl;

int programprogress()
    while (k == -11 && AI)
        bool InvalidChoice = false;
        char letter;
        //player_number = (player_number % 2) ? 1 : 2;
        int PlayerChoice;

        if (player_number == 2)
            cout << endl << "What is your move?" << endl;
            cin >> PlayerChoice;

            while ((PlayerChoice < 1) || (PlayerChoice > 9))
                cout << "That's an invalid choice! Please choose a number that is 1-9!" << endl;
                cin >> PlayerChoice;

            letter = (!first) ? 'X' : 'O';

            if (Pos[PlayerChoice] == '1' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '2' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '3' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '4' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '5' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '6' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '7' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '8' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '9')
                Pos[PlayerChoice] = letter;
                cout << "That space is already taken!" << endl;
            k = checkwin(Pos);
            if (k != -11)
                k = k * -10;
            player_number = 1;
            cout << endl << "The computer has made its move!" << endl;

            letter = (first) ? 'X' : 'O';
            if (first)
                PlayerChoice = bestMove(Pos, 1);
                PlayerChoice = bestMove(Pos, 2);

            Pos[PlayerChoice] = letter;

            k = checkwin(Pos);
            if (k != -11)
                k = k * 10;

            player_number = 2;

    while (k == -11 && !AI)
        bool InvalidChoice = false;
        char letter;
        player_number = (player_number % 2) ? 1 : 2;
        int PlayerChoice;

        cout << endl << "What's player " << player_number << "'s move?" << endl;
        cin >> PlayerChoice;

        while ((PlayerChoice < 1) || (PlayerChoice > 9))
            cout << "That's an invalid choice! Please choose a number that is 1-9!" << endl;
            cin >> PlayerChoice;

        letter = (player_number == 1) ? 'X' : 'O';

        if (Pos[PlayerChoice] == '1' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '2' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '3' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '4' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '5' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '6' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '7' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '8' || Pos[PlayerChoice] == '9')
            Pos[PlayerChoice] = letter;
            cout << "That space is already taken!" << endl;
        k = checkwin(Pos);

    return k;

int checkwin(array <char, SIZE> Pos)
    if (Pos[0] == Pos[1] && Pos[1] == Pos[2])

        return 1;
    else if (Pos[3] == Pos[4] && Pos[4] == Pos[5])

        return 1;
    else if (Pos[6] == Pos[7] && Pos[7] == Pos[8])

        return 1;
    else if (Pos[0] == Pos[3] && Pos[3] == Pos[6])

        return 1;
    else if (Pos[1] == Pos[4] && Pos[4] == Pos[7])

        return 1;
    else if (Pos[2] == Pos[5] && Pos[5] == Pos[8])

        return 1;
    else if (Pos[0] == Pos[4] && Pos[4] == Pos[8])

        return 1;
    else if (Pos[2] == Pos[4] && Pos[4] == Pos[6])

        return 1;
    else if (Pos[0] != '1' && Pos[1] != '2' && Pos[2] != '3'
        && Pos[3] != '4' && Pos[4] != '5' && Pos[5] != '6'
        && Pos[6] != '7' && Pos[7] != '8' && Pos[8] != '9')

        return 0;
        return -11;

int minimax(array <char, SIZE> newpos, int depth, int player, bool opp)
    int scale = 0;

    if ((player == 1 && first) || (player == 2 && !first))
        scale = 10;
        scale = -10;
    //cout << scale;
    int score = scale*checkwin(newpos);

    if (score < 0)
        score += depth;
    else if (score > 0)
        score -= depth;

    if (score == -10 || score == 10 || score == 0)
        return score;

    if (opp)
        int best = -1000;

        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            if (newpos[i] != 'X' && newpos[i] != 'O')
                char temp = newpos[i];

                newpos[i] = PlayerSymbol(player);

                best = max(best, minimax(newpos, depth + 1, Opposite(player), !opp));

                newpos[i] = temp;
        return best;

        int best = 1000;

        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            if (newpos[i] != 'X' && newpos[i] != 'O')
                char temp = newpos[i];

                newpos[i] = PlayerSymbol(player);

                best = min(best, minimax(newpos, depth + 1, Opposite(player), !opp));

                newpos[i] = temp;
        return best;


int bestMove(array <char, SIZE> newpos, int player)
    int best = -1000;
    int bestpos = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
        if (newpos[i] != 'X' && newpos[i] != 'O')
            char temp = newpos[i];

            newpos[i] = PlayerSymbol(player);

            int move = minimax(newpos, 0, player, !first);

            newpos[i] = temp;

            if (move > best)
                //cout << "I like pineapple on pizza" << endl;
                bestpos = i;
                best = move;
            /*if (move == best)
                cout << "I like pineapple on pizza" << endl;
    cout << bestpos;
    return bestpos;

int Opposite(int x)
    if (x == 1)
        return 2;
        return 1;

char PlayerSymbol(int x)
    if (x == 1)
        return 'X';
        return 'O';


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


首先,当您从minimax(newpos, 0, player, !first);函数内部调用bestMove时,您传递的是player而不是Opposite(player),这表明第一步minimax将是由与bestMove步骤相同的玩家执行。换句话说:AI为自己进行了两次连续动作。因此,player需要更改为Opposite(player)

第二,minimax有一个名为opp的布尔变量,该变量似乎表明是AI还是它的对手。对于第一个极小极大步骤,opp设置为!first,表示只有在AI首先出现时,对手才会在AI之后移动。那是不对的。在AI之后,总是对手采取行动。因此bestMove应该用minimax而不是true来调用!first。顺便说一句,opp是多余的,因为您可以使用(player == 1 && first) || (player == 2 && !first)来检查它是AI还是对手。

第三,scale的设置方式错误。使用(player == 1 && first) || (player == 2 && !first),您可以检查其AI是否在移动。但是,在潜在获胜的举动之后,您可以在下一个minimax步骤中进行操作。因此,如果AI采取了行动,并且游戏已经获胜,那么对手做出了获胜的行动,而不是AI。嗯,比例应该是

if ((player == 1 && first) || (player == 2 && !first))
    scale = -10;
    scale = 10;



if (score == -10 || score == 10 || score == 0)
    if (score < 0)
        score += depth;
    else if (score > 0)
        score -= depth;

    return score;
