
时间:2019-05-22 17:39:28

标签: python matlab svd eigenvalue



import math as m
import numpy as np
from numpy import diag, power, dot, matmul
from scipy.linalg import expm, sinm, cosm, svd, inv, eig, pinv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import as sc

###########################. Import Data from Excel Sheet. ###################################

df = pd.read_excel('DataDMD.xlsx', header=None) #Insert your own excel file in between '__', if header is desired, delete header=None.
data = df               #Make sure the data file will be a numpy array.

###########################. Define Function . ###############################################

def ExactDMD(X,Y,relTol):
    # Define Data matrix X and Y
    #   X = [Do D1 ... Dn-1]    &    Y = [D1 D2 ... Dn]
    # m = data.shape[0] #rows of data matrix
    # n = data.shape[1] #columns of data matrix

    # X = data[:,:-1] # take X_o to X_n-1
    # Y = data[:,1:]  # take X_1 to X_n

    #Compute SVD of data matrix X
    U, Sdiag, Vh = svd(X, False)
    S = np.zeros((Sdiag.shape[0], Sdiag.shape[0]))  # Create S matrix with zeros based on Diag of S
    np.fill_diagonal(S, Sdiag)  # Fill diagonal of S matrix with the nonzero values
    V = Vh.conj().T  # Create V matrix, we are given Vh which is conjugate transpose of V (convert back to V)
    r = np.count_nonzero(np.diag(S) > S[0, 0] * relTol)  # Find the diminsion of the subspace we are using- truncation

    # Apply truncation/ subspace diminsion
    U = U[:,:r]
    S = S[:r,:r]
    V = V[:,:r]

    #Create Atilde
    ##################### PROBLEM
    #Atilde = dot(dot(dot(U.T, Y), V),inv(S))
    Atilde = matmul(matmul(matmul(U.T,Y),V),inv(S))
    print(Atilde[0:5,0:5]) #<- not right
    # print(Atilde2[0:4,0:4])
    # print(Atilde[0:4,0:4])

    #Get Eigenvalues and Vectors from Atilde (eigen pairs)
    Evalue, Wvector = eig(Atilde)
    print(Evalue[0:5]) #<- not right
    ##################### PROBLEM
    #Koopman Eigenvalues
    DEv = Evalue

    return DEv

relTol = 10**-6
numDelays = 300
data = data.iloc[0::6, :].values
Data = np.array(data,'float')

X = np.zeros(((numDelays + 1) * data.shape[0], data.shape[1] - (numDelays + 1)))
Y = np.zeros(X.shape)

for i in range(1, numDelays + 2):
    X[0 + (i - 1) * Data.shape[0]:i * Data.shape[0], :] = Data[:, (i):Data.shape[1] - (numDelays + 1) + (i - 0)]

    Y[0 + (i - 1) * Data.shape[0]:i * Data.shape[0], :] = Data[:, (i + 0):Data.shape[1] - (numDelays + 1) + (i)]
DEv = ExactDMD(X,Y,relTol)

###########################. Plots .   #################################################

real_part = DEv.real
imaginary_part = DEv.imag


data = data(1:6:end,:);

%% Choose number of delays observables to use for each experimental
% observable (coordinates of feature points). Setting to zero means only
% experimental observables will be used.
numDelays = 300;
retol= 10^-6;

%% Create first and second snap shot matrices for DMD. Any columns with missing
% data are not used.
disp('Constructing Data Matricies:')
X = zeros((numDelays+1)*size(data,1),size(data,2)-(numDelays+1));
Y = zeros(size(X));

for i = 1:numDelays+1
   X(1 + (i-1)*size(data,1):i*size(data,1),:) = ...
       data(:,(i):size(data,2)-(numDelays+1) + (i-1));
   Y(1 + (i-1)*size(data,1):i*size(data,1),:) = ...
       data(:,(i+1):size(data,2)-(numDelays+1) + (i));
[U,S,V] = svd(X,0);

r = find(diag(S)>S(1,1)*relTol,1,'last');
disp(['DMD subspace dimension:',num2str(r)])

U = U(:,1:r);
S = S(1:r,1:r);
V = V(:,1:r);
 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Correct Atilde
Atilde = ((U'*Y)*V)*(S^-1);
[W,lambda] = eig(Atilde);

%%%%%% Standard DMD %%%%%
DEv = diag(lambda); 


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