
时间:2019-05-17 17:17:36

标签: python pandas



  df  = pd.DataFrame([
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 1, 1],
["Malmo","Gothenburg",  2018, 1, 1],
["Malmo", "Gothenburg", 2018, 0, 3],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 1, 1],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo" ,2018, 0, 3],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 1, 1],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 0, 3],
["Malmo", "Gothenburg", 2018, 0, 3],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 1, 1],
["Malmo", "Gothenburg", 2018, 0, 3],
[ "Malmo","Gothenburg", 2018, 1, 1],
[ "Malmo", "Gothenburg",2018, 0, 3],

df.columns = ['H_team', 'A_team', "Year", 'H_points', 'A_points']

# Cumulaive sum for home/ away team with shift 1 row
df["H_cumsum"] = df.groupby(['H_team', "Year"])['H_points'].transform(
                             lambda x: x.cumsum().shift())
df["A_cumsum"] = df.groupby(['A_team', "Year"])['A_points'].transform(
                             lambda x: x.cumsum().shift())


    H_team      A_team  Year  H_points  A_points  H_cumsum  A_cumsum
0   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         1         1       NaN       NaN
1        Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         1         1       NaN       NaN
2        Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         0         3       1.0       1.0
3   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         1         1       1.0       1.0
4   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         0         3       2.0       2.0
5   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         1         1       2.0       5.0
6   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         0         3       3.0       6.0
7        Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         0         3       1.0       4.0
8   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         1         1       3.0       9.0
9        Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         0         3       1.0       7.0
10       Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         1         1       1.0      10.0
11       Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         0         3       2.0      11.0

此表为我提供了每支球队的累计出发点和出站点的信息,移动了1行。但是我需要主场和客场比赛的总得分。 H_cumsum和A_cumsum应该添加主场和客场比赛的先前得分。


row 0: Malmo = NaN, Gothenburg = NaN
row 1: Gothenburg = 1, Malmo = 1
row 2: Malmo = 1 + 1 = 2, Gothenburg = 1 + 1 = 2
row 3: Gothenburg = 1 + 1 + 3 = 5, Malmo = 1 + 1 + 0 = 2
row 4: Gothenburg = 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 6, Malmo = 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 = 3
And so on...


H_cumsum (team Malmo) = 12     H_cumsum (team Gothenburg) = 15  

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


df.columns = ['H_team', 'A_team', "Year", 'H_points', 'A_points']
# H_team cumsum() for science.

df['H_cumsum'] = df[['H_team', 'H_points']].groupby(['H_team']).cumsum()
# A_team cumsum() for more science.

df['A_cumsum'] = df[['A_team', 'A_points']].groupby(['A_team']).cumsum()
# Creating a column for the sum of the two, or total points scored by either side.

df['T_sum'] = df['H_points'] + df['A_points']

# Creating the cumsum() column for T_sum
df['T_cumsum'] = df['T_sum'].cumsum()


答案 1 :(得分:0)


df  = pd.DataFrame([
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 1, 1],
["Malmo","Gothenburg",  2018, 1, 1],
["Malmo", "Gothenburg", 2018, 0, 3],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 1, 1],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo" ,2018, 0, 3],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 1, 1],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 0, 3],
["Malmo", "Gothenburg", 2018, 0, 3],
["Gothenburg", "Malmo", 2018, 1, 1],
["Malmo", "Gothenburg", 2018, 0, 3],
[ "Malmo","Gothenburg", 2018, 1, 1],
[ "Malmo", "Gothenburg",2018, 0, 3],

df.columns = [['Team', 'Team', "Year", 'Points', 'Points'],
    ['Home', 'Away', 'Year', 'Home', 'Away']]

d1 = df.stack()
total = d1.groupby('Team').Points.apply(lambda x: x.shift().cumsum())
df = d1.assign(Total=total).unstack()


   Points                  Team                  Year              Total           
     Away Home Year        Away        Home Year Away Home    Year  Away  Home Year
0     1.0  1.0  NaN       Malmo  Gothenburg  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0   NaN   NaN  NaN
1     1.0  1.0  NaN  Gothenburg       Malmo  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0   1.0   1.0  NaN
2     3.0  0.0  NaN  Gothenburg       Malmo  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0   2.0   2.0  NaN
3     1.0  1.0  NaN       Malmo  Gothenburg  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0   2.0   5.0  NaN
4     3.0  0.0  NaN       Malmo  Gothenburg  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0   3.0   6.0  NaN
5     1.0  1.0  NaN       Malmo  Gothenburg  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0   6.0   6.0  NaN
6     3.0  0.0  NaN       Malmo  Gothenburg  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0   7.0   7.0  NaN
7     3.0  0.0  NaN  Gothenburg       Malmo  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0   7.0  10.0  NaN
8     1.0  1.0  NaN       Malmo  Gothenburg  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0  10.0  10.0  NaN
9     3.0  0.0  NaN  Gothenburg       Malmo  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0  11.0  11.0  NaN
10    1.0  1.0  NaN  Gothenburg       Malmo  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0  14.0  11.0  NaN
11    3.0  0.0  NaN  Gothenburg       Malmo  NaN  NaN  NaN  2018.0  15.0  12.0  NaN

总计/离开和总计/家庭下的点是正确的。但是,该表变得很难用所有多余的列进行概览。 (在此示例中,我没有为每行显示另外10列,所以这真是一团糟。)


        H_team      A_team  Year  H_points  A_points  H_cumsum  A_cumsum
0   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         1         1       NaN       NaN
1        Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         1         1       1.0       1.0
2        Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         0         3       2.0       2.0
3   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         1         1       5.0       2.0
4   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         0         3       6.0       3.0
5   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         1         1       6.0       6.0
6   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         0         3       7.0       7.0
7        Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         0         3       10.0      7.0
8   Gothenburg       Malmo  2018         1         1       10.0      10.0
9        Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         0         3       11.0      11.0
10       Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         1         1       11.0      14.0
11       Malmo  Gothenburg  2018         0         3       12.0      15.0