C ++从iostream故障位集继承

时间:2019-05-16 01:27:59

标签: c++ inheritance iostream winsock2


我是套接字编程的新手。我想试一试。 After research,我发现似乎没有标准的C ++ oop套接字库(there were some third party libraries,但我还是决定自己创建一个,因为那样吧,自从无论如何,这只是一个个人项目),所以我决定自己做。

我决定将新库与iostream集成。当然,this probably isn't a good idea usually,但我知道1)我有一个不错的理由,2)无论如何,这只是一个学术练习。至少学会如何做到这一点也无妨。

因此,I did a little digging提出了以下设计:

class NetworkStream : public std::iostream {
        // class network streambuff
        // should handle the actual writing
        class NetworkBuff : public std::streambuf {
                SOCKET socket; // I'm working with winsock2, btw
                NetworkBuff(SOCKET s);

                // out

                virtual std::streamsize xsputn(const char* buffer, std::streamsize size);

                virtual std::streamsize overflow(char buffer);

                virtual int underflow();

                virtual std::streamsize xsgetn(char* buffer, std::streamsize size);


        // constructors
        NetworkStream(SOCKET socket); // sets up the socket in NetworkBuff
        virtual ~NetworkStream();

    }; // end network stream



// class network streambuff
// should handle the actual writing

NetworkStream::NetworkBuff::NetworkBuff(SOCKET s) {
    socket = s;

// out

std::streamsize NetworkStream::NetworkBuff::xsputn(const char* buffer, std::streamsize size) {
    // well, let's send the data
    int result = send(socket,buffer,static_cast<int>(size),0);

    // if that didn't work, throw an error
    if(result == SOCKET_ERROR) throw("Send Failure: " + WSAGetLastError()); 

    // NOTE: I realized after I wrote this that this throw may be useless, 
    // since I think iostream catches any errors thrown at this level, but 
    // just in case

    // and pass through to streambuff, because, well, it can't hurt
    return std::streambuf::xsputn(buffer, size);

// basically do the same thing as before...
std::streamsize NetworkStream::NetworkBuff::overflow(char buffer) {
    // well, let's send the data
    int result = send(socket,buffer,sizeof(buffer),0);

    // if that didn't work, throw an error
    if(result == SOCKET_ERROR) throw("Send Failure: " + WSAGetLastError()); 

    // and pass through to streambuff, because, well, it can't hurt
    return std::streambuf::overflow(buffer);


std::string data = "Hello, world!";
networkstream << data;


std::streamsize NetworkStream::NetworkBuff::xsgetn(char* buffer, std::streamsize size) {
    // well, let's read the data
    int result = recv(socket,buffer,static_cast<int>(size),0);

    // if that didn't work, throw an error
    if(result == SOCKET_ERROR) throw("Receive Failure: " + WSAGetLastError());

    // Now this I think is wrong, specifically comparing against SOCKET_ERROR.
    // That's not my problem, though. My problem is that this function seems to 
    // never get called, so a wrong comparison doesn't matter yet anyway

    // and pass through to streambuff, because, well, it can't hurt
    return std::streambuf::xsgetn(buffer, size);

// Now this guy, I'm pretty extra sure is probably wrong, but it's what I got. I 
// couldn't find a good example of using underflow, so I did my best from the 
// research I did find
int NetworkStream::NetworkBuff::underflow() {
    // well, let's read the data
    int result = recv(socket,gptr(),sizeof(*gptr()),0);

    // if that didn't work, throw an error
    if(result == SOCKET_ERROR) throw("Recieve Failure: " + WSAGetLastError());

    // and pass through to streambuff, because, well, it can't hurt
    return std::streambuf::underflow();


std::string data = "";
networkstream >> data; // should wait for data on the network


因此,在一个段落中,我的问题是:我的下溢/ xsgetn函数到底出了什么错,导致其失败并从本质上忽略了我的代码?我确定我做错了什么,但是究竟是什么?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





// Shoutout to http://www.voidcn.com/article/p-vjnlygmc-gy.html where I found out
// how to do this proper
std::streambuf::int_type NetworkStream::NetworkBuff::underflow() {
    const int readsize = 30;

    // first, check to make sure the buffer is not exausted:
    if(gptr() < egptr()) {
        return traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr());

    // Now, let's read...

    // btw, inputbuffer is a data member that is a std::string
    // clear the buffer

    // let's read
    int bytesread = recv(socket,&inputbuffer[0],static_cast<int>(readsize)); 

    // return the end of file if we read no bytes
    if(bytesread == 0) {
        return traits_type::eof();

    // set the pointers for the buffer...

    // finally, let's return the data type
    return traits_type::to_int_type(*gptr());
