我必须从n个点的数据集中生成路径。 我正在通过此数据集中的点绘制三次样条。 生成的路径必须包含确切数量的投影路径点。
// Array with floating point values constrained between 0 - 1
// Think of each value as the beginning of a line segment.
const dataset = [0, 0.123, 0.3432, 0.454, 0.56, 0.8334, 0.987, 1];
// Path should have this many points
const targetLength = 1024;
// Step distance between points
const delta = 1 / targetLength;
// The path array we're generating
const path = [];
// For each point (segment)
for (let i = 0; i < dataset.length - 1; i++) {
const x1 = dataset[i]; // current point
const x2 = dataset[i + 1]; // next point
const xd = x2 - x1 - delta; // dist between current and next point(-delta)
// For each step in the segment generate a path-point
for (let k = 0; k <= xd; k += delta) {
// For this example we're only pushing the x-value onto the array.
// In the real implementation I'm calculating a y-value to plot a curve
// and push an array of [x, y] onto the dataset.
path.push(dataset[i] + k);
// expect: path.length === targetLength
在上面的示例中,我希望path.length等于targetLength(1024)。 我可以将生成的路径作为一个整体,然后对整个数组进行插值,但是我认为我正在寻找一种更智能的生成路径的方法。任何帮助将不胜感激!
答案 0 :(得分:0)
for (let i=0; i<targetLength; ++i) {
path.push(i / (targetLength-1));