
时间:2019-05-11 02:44:52

标签: c# oop object design-patterns

我正在尝试编写一个解决nanograms or picross puzzles的应用程序。我正在使用C#,并且想采取一种面向对象的方法,因为我在该领域非常缺乏并且想练习。我正在写这篇文章,以使其首先在Windows控制台中运行,但此后想要使用WPF添加GUI。



// This represents a single row or column within a PicrossTable. 
// Length is the amount of blocks and blockGroupSizes is the 
// amount of shaded groups of blocks.
public PicrossSegment(int length, params int[] blockGroupSizes)
string[] blocks;
BlockGroup[] blockGroups;
public int Length { get; }
public int SolvedGroups { get; }
public bool IsSolved { get; }

// This represents a group of shaded blocks in a PicrossSegment
// I need to keep track of when all groups have been accounted for
// in the PicrossSegment, and it makes sense to put it here
public BlockGroup(int size)
public int Size { get; }
public int BlocksMarked { get; set; }
public bool IsSolved { get; }

// This is the class that would actually contain all the different
// PicrossSegments. 
public PicrossTable(int rows, int cols)
public PicrossTable.AddRow(PicrossSegment ps)
public PicrossTable.AddCol(PicrossSegment ps)
private PicrossSegment[] rowData;
private PicrossSegment[] colData;

// This is the class that would solve the puzzle. 
public PicrossSolver()
public PicrossSolver.SolveTable(PicrossTable pt)

// This would represent a single action taken by PicrossSolver,
// such as marking a block in any given PicrossSegment.
// layoutIndex would refer to the Row or Column, pos would refer to
// the actual position within that segment
public Step(SegmentLayout layout, int layoutIndex, int pos)
public enum SegmentLayout {Row, Col}

// This would contain a list of all the steps taken and in the
// taken order, allowing for replaying of step-by-step solutions
// of how the puzzle was actually solved.
public SolutionLogger
public SolutionLogger.AddStep(Step s);
public SolutionLogger.PrintSteps();


(1)上面显示的代码要求我破坏多层封装。 PicrossSegment()包含私有成员block和blockGroups,需要在PicrossSolver中进行访问。这意味着PicrossSolver必须到达PicrossTable,然后拉出PicrossSegments。这对我来说似乎很糟糕,因为在最坏的情况下,它会使PicrossTable看起来像个无用的中间人,但实际上应该允许PicrossSegments交换数据(类似于通过在连接列中使用字母来解决填字游戏的问题)。还应该负担指定哪个PicrossSegments表示行或列的责任,以便SolutionLog可以这样指定。 PicrossSegments知道它们是什么毫无意义。这种方法似乎使我违反了封装,因为PicrossSegment的私有数据实际上总共由三个类使用。


我尝试转向Head First Design模式,因为我显然没有在OOP中完善过,并且正在寻找某种结构(同时请记住,初学者尝试将模式应用到他们的地方是一个普遍的谬误。不属于),但我什至找不到与我相关的东西。在我看来,这种程序的面向对象编程方法似乎太过分了。我看不到需要抽象或重用的地方。也许在PicrossSolver中,我可以将解决方案的概念抽象为几个以特定方式解决的类。


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