G ++编译器无法识别C ++中的枚举类型

时间:2011-04-09 20:17:13

标签: c++ templates enums enumeration


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

class Multilist {
    struct mlNode;                      //forward declarations
    struct dlNode;
    template <class T> struct mlCat;

    typedef char tstr[21];              //our string type
    enum catIterator {ID=0, OCCUPATION,LOCATION};

    struct mlNode { //Multilist Node
        tstr name; int id;
        mlNode* p[3];   //next nodes
        mlNode* n[3];   //previous nodes
        dlNode* h[3];   //h[i] point to the entry in category i
        mlNode(tstr sName, int sId) {
            strcpy(name,sName); id=sId; //nOccupation=snOccupation; nId=snId; nLocation=snLocation;

    // One class to rule them all =)
    template <class T> struct mlCat {   //Multilist Category
        catIterator c;
        mlCat(catIterator tc): head(0), c(tc) {};

        struct dlNode { //list node
            dlNode *next;
            T data; mlNode *link; //data & link to the record in the db
            dlNode(T d, mlNode *l, dlNode *n=0): link(l),data(d),next(n) {};
        } *head;


    mlCat<int>  catId(ID);
    mlCat<tstr> catOccupation(OCCUPATION);
    mlCat<tstr> catLocation(LOCATION);


int main(int narg, char * arg[]) {
    return 0;



../ src / multilist.cpp:109:错误:'ID'   不是一种类型   ../src/multilist.cpp:110:错误:   'OCCUPATION'不是一种类型   ../src/multilist.cpp:111:错误:   'LOCATION'不是一种类型

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

您需要将这些构造函数调用放在MultilistMultilist(...) : catId(ID), catOccupation(OCCUPATION), ...的构造函数中,并从声明中删除它们。您当前的用法看起来就像是在尝试声明函数返回mlCat<>,因此ID等。 al被解释为参数的类型。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


class A {
  int i = 0; // error: member assignment not allowed in current C++ standard
  int j(2);  // error: compiler thinks 'j' is a function; with argument type as 2
  int k;     // ok
