
时间:2019-05-09 02:03:07

标签: python scipy

作为练习,我编写了一个脚本,该脚本为函数function oddOneOut(arr) { let word = '' if (arr[0] === arr[1]) { word = arr[0] } if (arr[1] === arr[2]) { word = arr[1] } if (arr[2] === arr[3]) { word = arr[2] } function wrong(element) { return element !== word } return arr.findIndex(wrong) } console.log(oddOneOut(["sword", "sword", "sword", "sword", "drows", "sword"])) //returns 4 (此处为n(此处为1)生成度x0(此处为8)的泰勒多项式的系数,f(x)(此处为1)。 sqrt(x)^ sqrt(x))。


正如我预期的那样,我的函数T(x)的性能明显比Ts(x)差,如下面的图所示,从x = 0到3:

Graph of f, T, and Ts


我想知道答案是否可能与SciPy dx函数中的derivative参数有关。我选择了e1-2,因为较高的值会产生nans,而较低的值会产生明显的废话。我也对order参数进行了估算:错误消息告诉我它必须是大于n的奇数值,所以我在for循环中使用了2*i+1


# Imports
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import approximate_taylor_polynomial
from scipy.misc import derivative
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline

# Function I'm trying to approximate
def f(x):
    return np.sqrt(x) ** np.sqrt(x)

degree=8      # I am making an 8th degree polynomial
x0=1          # Centered about x=1

dvs=[f(x0)]   # This will hold the values of the nth degree derivative 
coef=[f(x0)]  # And this will hold the polynomial coefs (dvs divided by the corresponding factorials)

for i in range(1,degree+1):
    # I'm not entirely sure what the dx parameter does here, but 1e-2 produced the most accurate results.
    a = derivative(f,x0=x0,dx=1e-2,n=i,order=2*i+1)  # Compute the derivative
    dvs.append(a)                                    # Append to dvs
    coef.append(a/np.math.factorial(i))              # Compute the coefficient and append to coef

# Pretty pandas dataframe

# Define Taylor polynomial using my coefs
def T(x):
    r = 0
    for i in range(0,degree+1):
        r = r + out['coef'][i] * ((x - x0) ** i)
    return r

# Use the scipy function for comparison. It is a poly1d object which can behave like a function.
# Not shown: I tried scale values on np.linspace(0,1,101) and 0.3 was about the best.
Ts = approximate_taylor_polynomial(f,x=x0,degree=8,scale=0.3)

# Test x values to display our functions
x = np.linspace(0,3,301)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Actual function
# My approximation
# Scipy approximation
# Note that scipy doesn't account for the horizontal translation
ax.plot(x,Ts(x-x0),c="forestgreen",label="Ts(x) (scale 0.3)") 



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