
时间:2019-05-08 00:26:50

标签: r time-series filtering arima forecast

我有这个数据,这是从预测值和观察值获得的残差序列。原始系列是随机行走,漂移很小(平均值= 0.0025)。

err <- ts(c(0.6100, 1.3500, 1.0300, 0.9600, 1.1100, 0.8350 , 0.8800 , 1.0600 , 1.3800 , 1.6200,  1.5800 , 1.2800 , 1.3000 , 1.4300 , 2.1500 , 1.9100 , 1.8300 , 1.9500  ,1.9999, 1.8500 , 1.5500 , 1.9800  ,1.7044  ,1.8593 , 1.9900 , 2.0400, 1.8950,  2.0100 , 1.6900 , 2.1800 ,2.2150,  2.1293 , 2.1000 , 2.1200 , 2.0500 , 1.9000,  1.8350, 1.9000 ,1.9500 , 1.7800 , 1.5950,  1.8500 , 1.8400,  1.5800, 1.6100 , 1.7200 , 1.8500 , 1.6700,  1.8050,  1.9400,  1.5000 , 1.3100 , 1.4864,  1.2400 , 0.9300 , 1.1400, -0.6100, -0.4300 ,-0.4700 ,-0.3450), frequency = 7, start = c(23, 1), end = c(31, 4))


# x axis starts with zero.
# showing only integer lags here, same plot as full seasonal periods. 
# shows it typically can be fitted by a MA model.

enter image description here 所以我在这里尝试了一些配件。我使用stats::arima进行拟合,并使用stats::filter进行仔细检查。这显示了一些意外的结果。

m1 <- arima(x = err, order=(0,0,5), include.mean=F)
# output 
# Call:
# arima(x = err, order = c(0, 0, 5), include.mean = F)

# Coefficients:
#         ma1     ma2     ma3     ma4     ma5
#      1.1057  1.2212  1.2151  0.9396  0.5706
# s.e.  0.1411  0.1436  0.1666  0.3120  0.2614

# sigma^2 estimated as 0.1846:  log likelihood = -36.48,  aic = 82.96

f1 <- filter(x=err, filter = c(0.5706, 0.9396, 1.2151, 1.2212, 1.1057), method = 'convolution'))

res <- err - na.omit(fil1.1)
acf(mod1$residuals[1:length(mod1$residuals)]); acf(res[1:length(res)])

enter image description here filter的情节显然与目标背道而驰;我期望手工产生的残差与stats::arima产生的残差相同,或者至少足够接近以显示白噪声残差。


  1. 我错过了什么过滤以至于无法重现残差?
  2. 为什么过滤会产生NA

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