def getHorzCost(self, imagePixel, samplePixel):
horzCost = np.zeros((overlapWidth, patchSize), np.int)
for i in range(overlapWidth):
for j in range(patchSize):
if j == patchSize - 1:
horzCost[i, j] = self.colourCorrection((i - overlapWidth, j), imagePixel, samplePixel)
elif i == 0:
horzCost[i, j] = self.colourCorrection((i - overlapWidth, j), imagePixel, samplePixel) + min(self.colourCorrection((i - overlapWidth, j + 1), imagePixel, samplePixel), self.colourCorrection((i + 1 - overlapWidth, j + 1), imagePixel, samplePixel))
elif i == overlapWidth - 1:
horzCost[i, j] = self.colourCorrection((i - overlapWidth, j), imagePixel, samplePixel) + min(self.colourCorrection((i - overlapWidth, j + 1), imagePixel, samplePixel), self.colourCorrection((i - 1 - overlapWidth, j + 1), imagePixel, samplePixel))
horzCost[i, j] = self.colourCorrection((i - overlapWidth, j), imagePixel, samplePixel) + min(self.colourCorrection((i - overlapWidth, j + 1), imagePixel, samplePixel), self.colourCorrection((i + 1 - overlapWidth, j + 1), imagePixel, samplePixel), self.colourCorrection((i - 1 - overlapWidth, j + 1), imagePixel, samplePixel))
return horzCost
def findMinHorzCost(self, horzCost):
Bound = np.zeros((patchSize), np.int)
Matrix = np.zeros((overlapWidth, patchSize), np.int)
for j in range(1, patchSize):
for i in range(overlapWidth):
if i == 0:
Matrix[i, j] = i if horzCost[i, j - 1] < horzCost[i + 1, j - 1] else i + 1
elif i == overlapWidth - 1:
Matrix[i, j] = i if horzCost[i, j - 1] < horzCost[i - 1, j - 1] else i - 1
currentMin = i if horzCost[i, j - 1] < horzCost[i - 1, j - 1] else i - 1
Matrix[i, j] = currentMin if horzCost[currentMin, j - 1] < horzCost[i - 1, j - 1] else i + 1
horzCost[i, j] += horzCost[Matrix[i, j], j - 1]
minimum = 0
for i in range(1, overlapWidth):
minimum = minimum if horzCost[minimum, patchSize - 1] < horzCost[i, patchSize - 1] else i
Bound[patchSize - 1] = minimum
for j in range(patchSize - 1, 0, -1):
Bound[j - 1] = Matrix[Bound[j], j]
return Bound
如果horzCost [i,j-1]
我相信引起错误的索引是Matrix [i],因为当我更改overlayWidth变量时,错误中索引的大小也会发生变化。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
< / p>
patchSize = 15
overlapWidth = 10
Bound = np.zeros((patchSize), np.int)
Matrix = np.zeros((overlapWidth, patchSize), np.int)
horzCost = np.zeros((patchSize, overlapWidth), np.int)
#(10, 15)
另外 因此,代码将更改为
def findMinHorzCost(self, horzCost):
Bound = np.zeros((patchSize), np.int)
# Fixed the dimensions to patchSize x overlapWidth
Matrix = np.zeros((patchSize, overlapWidth), np.int)
# Fixed the range stop to overlapWidth
for j in range(1, overlapWidth):
# Fixed the range stop to patchSize
for i in range(patchSize):
if i == 0:
Matrix[i, j] = i if horzCost[i, j - 1] < horzCost[i + 1, j - 1] else i + 1
elif i == overlapWidth - 1:
Matrix[i, j] = i if horzCost[i, j - 1] < horzCost[i - 1, j - 1] else i - 1
currentMin = i if horzCost[i, j - 1] < horzCost[i - 1, j - 1] else i - 1
Matrix[i, j] = currentMin if horzCost[currentMin, j - 1] < horzCost[i - 1, j - 1] else i + 1
minimum = 0
for i in range(1, overlapWidth):
minimum = minimum if horzCost[minimum, overlapWidth - 1] < horzCost[i, overlapWidth - 1] else i
Bound[overlapWidth - 1] = minimum
for j in range(overlapWidth - 1, 0, -1):
Bound[j - 1] = Matrix[Bound[j], j]