一个名为ownList2的列表由两个参数组成。队友是在给定邻居半径内的所有邻居。我在6.0版中尝试了此代码。但这是行不通的。 基本上,我想将等维列表放入矩阵。我在做错什么吗?还是有人可以改善代码段?
ask turtles[set ownList2 (list who sensed)]
;sensed is sensor value of a turtle with respect to the patch.
;ownList2 is like a message of two bytes,
;first byte mentioning the identity of the itself
;second byte mentioning the value of the sensor.
ask turtles[
foreach (list flockmates)
i -> set m45 matrix:to-column-list ( list [ownList2] of i )
结果: 对于与邻居1,2,3:3的乌龟0 ownList2〜[1200] [2 400] [3 900] 乌龟0的M43应该看起来像 [[1 200] [2 400] [3 900]]
答案 0 :(得分:0)
extensions [ matrix ]
turtles-own [ ownlist2 sensed m45 ]
to setup
; Setup example turtles as per question
foreach [ 100 200 400 900 ] [
n ->
crt 1 [
while [ any? other turtles-here ] [
move-to one-of neighbors4
set sensed n
set ownlist2 ( list who sensed )
; Get the turtles to create matrices from the ownlists of
; sorted other turtles
ask turtles [
set m45 matrix:from-column-list map [ i -> [ ownlist2] of i ] sort other turtles
; Example output:
ask turtle 0 [
print "Turtle 0's m45:"
print matrix:pretty-print-text m45
Turtle 0's m45:
[[ 1 2 3 ]
[ 200 400 900 ]]