
时间:2019-05-05 00:23:08

标签: javascript

我不明白为什么嵌套的Arrow函数会在控制台窗口中引发Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined。嵌套箭头函数中的this关键字的范围是



我还尝试在main arrow函数之外创建该函数,并将其用作.each迭代器函数的回调函数,但这会产生相同的错误。


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        <div class="nav-links">
          <a class="nav-link scroll nav-active top" href="#Introduction">Intro</a>
          <a class="nav-link scroll" href="#Python_Getting_Started">Get Started</a>
          <a class="nav-link scroll" href="#Python_Syntax">Syntax</a>
          <a class="nav-link scroll" href="#Python_Variables">Variables</a>
          <a class="nav-link scroll" href="#Python_Numbers">Numbers</a>

      <div class="section-container">
        <!--********************************************************* Sections -->
        <!--------------------------------- Section One ------------------------->
        <section id='Introduction' class="main-section">
          <article class="page-info">
            <h3>What is Python?</h3>
            <p>Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991.</p>
            <p>It is used for:</p>
              <li>web development (server-side),</li>
              <li>software development,</li>
              <li>system scripting.</li>
            <h3>What can Python do?</h3>
              <li>Python can be used on a server to create web applications.</li>
              <li>Python can be used alongside software to create workflows.</li>
              <li>Python can connect to database systems. It can also read and modify files.</li>
              <li>Python can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics.</li>
              <li>Python can be used for rapid prototyping, or for production-ready software development.</li>
            <h3>Why Python?</h3>
                <li>Python works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc).</li>
                <li>Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language.</li>
                <li>Python has syntax that allows developers to write programs with
                  fewer lines than some other programming languages.</li>
                <li>Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be
                  executed as soon as it is written. This means that prototyping can
                  be very quick.</li>
                <li>Python can be treated in a procedural way, an object-orientated
                  way or a functional way.</li>
            <h3>Good to know</h3>
              <li>The most recent major version of Python is Python 3, which we shall
                be using in this tutorial. However, Python 2, although not being
                updated with anything other than security updates, is still quite popular.</li>
              <li>In this tutorial Python will be written in a text editor. It is
                possible to write Python in an Integrated Development Environment,
                such as Thonny, Pycharm, Netbeans or Eclipse which are particularly
                useful when managing larger collections of Python files.</li>
            <h3>Python Syntax compared to other programming languages</h3>
              <li>Python was designed for readability, and has some similarities to
                the English language with influence from mathematics.</li>
              <li>Python uses new lines to complete a command, as opposed to other
                programming languages which often use semicolons or parentheses.</li>
              <li>Python relies on indentation, using whitespace, to define scope;
                such as the scope of loops, functions and classes. Other programming
                languages often use curly-brackets for this purpose.</li>
        <!--------------------------------- Section Two ------------------------->
        <section id='Python_Getting_Started' class="main-section">
            <h2>Python Getting Started</h2>
          <article class="page-info">
            <h3>Python Install</h3>
            <p>Many PCs and Macs will have python already installed.</p>
            <p>To check if you have python installed on a Windows PC,
              search in the start bar for Python or run the following
              on the Command Line (cmd.exe):</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd">C:\Users\Your Name>python --version</code>
            <p>To check if you have python installed on a Linux or Mac, then on
              linux open the command line or on Mac open the Terminal and type:</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd">python --version</code>
            <p>If you find that you do not have python installed on your computer,
              then you can download it for free from the following website:
              <br /><a href="https://www.python.org/"
            <h3>Python Quickstart</h3>
            <p>Python is an interpreted programming language, this means that as a
              developer you write Python (.py) files in a text editor and then put
              those files into the python interpreter to be executed.</p>
            <p>The way to run a python file is like this on the command line:</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd">C:\Users\Your Name>python helloworld.py</code>
            <p>Where "helloworld.py" is the name of your python file.</p>
            <p>Let's write our first Python file, called helloworld.py, which can
              be done in any text editor.</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-python">
                <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(<span class='string-text'>"Hello, World!"</span>)</code>
            <p>Simple as that. Save your file. Open your command line, navigate to
              the directory where you saved your file, and run:</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd">C:\Users\Your Name>python helloworld.py</code>
            <p>The output should read:</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd">Hello, World!</code>
            <h3>The Python Command Line</h3>
            <p>To test a short amount of code in python sometimes it is quickest and
              easiest not to write the code in a file. This is made possible
              because Python can be run as a command line itself.</p>
            <p>Type the following on the Windows, Mac or Linux command line:</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd">C:\Users\Your Name>python</code>
            <p>From there you can write any python, including our hello world example
              from earlier in the tutorial:</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd-system">C:\Users\<em>Your Name</em>>python</code><br />
                <code class="code-cmd-system">Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017,
                  06:04:45) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32</code><br />
                <code class="code-cmd-system">Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or
                  "license" for more information.</code><br />
                <code class="code-cmd">>>> print("Hello, World!")</code>
            <p>Which will write "Hello, World!" in the command line:</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd-system">C:\Users\<em>Your Name</em>>python</code><br />
                <code class="code-cmd-system">Python 3.6.4 (v3.6.4:d48eceb, Dec 19 2017,
                  06:04:45) [MSC v.1900 32 bit (Intel)] on win32</code><br />
                <code class="code-cmd-system">Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or
                  "license" for more information.</code><br />
                <code class="code-cmd-system">>>> print("Hello, World!")</code><br />
                <code class="code-cmd">Hello, World!</code>
            <p>Whenever you are done in the python command line, you can simply
              type the following to quit the python command line interface:</p>
            <div class="code-box">
              <div class="code-box-cmd">
                <code class="code-cmd">exit()</code>
        <!----------------------------- Section Three ------------------------->
        <section id='Python_Syntax' class="main-section">
            <h2>Python Syntax</h2>
          <h3>Execute Python Syntax</h3>
          <p>As we learned in the previous page, Python syntax can be executed by
            writing directly in the Command Line:</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <div class="code-box-cmd">
              <code class="code-cmd">>>> print("Hello, World!")</code><br />
              <code class="code-cmd">Hello, World!</code>
          <p>Or by creating a python file on the server, using the .py file extension,
            and running it in the Command Line:</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <div class="code-box-cmd">
              <code class="code-cmd">C:\Users\<em>Your Name</em>>python myfile.py</code>
          <h3>Python Indentations</h3>
          <p>Where in other programming languages the indentation in code is for
            readability only, in Python the indentation is very important.</p>
          <p>Python uses indentation to indicate a block of code.</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>if</span> <span class='number-text'>5</span> > <span class='number-text'>2</span>:</code><br />
              <code class="code-python">&nbsp&nbsp<span class='method-text'>print</span>(<span class="string-text">"Five is greater than two!"</span>)</code>
          <p>Python will give you an error if you skip the indentation:</p>
          <div class="code-box-error">
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>if</span> <span class='number-text'>5</span> > <span class='number-text'>2</span>:</code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(<span class="string-text">"Five is greater than two!"</span>)</code>
            <div class="code-box-cmd">
              <code class='code-cmd'>C:\Users\My Name>python demo_indentation_test.py</code><br />
              <code class='code-cmd'>&nbsp&nbspFile "demo_indentation_test.py", line 2</code><br />
              <code class='code-cmd'>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspprint("Five is greater than two!")</code><br />
              <code class='code-cmd'>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp^</code><br />
              <code class='code-cmd'>IndentationError: expected an indented block</code>
          <p>Python has commenting capability for the purpose of in-code documentation.</p>
          <p>Comments start with a #, and Python will render the rest of the line as a comment:</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <p>Comments in Python:</p>
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python"><span class="comment-text">#This is a comment.</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>("Hello, World!")</code>
          <p>Python also has extended documentation capability, called docstrings.</p>
          <p>Docstrings can be one line, or multiline.</p>
          <p>Python uses triple quotes at the beginning and end of the docstring:</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <p>Docstrings are also comments:</p>
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python"><span class="string-text">"""This is a </span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class="string-text">multiline docstring."""</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>("Hello, World!")</code>
        <!--------------------------------- Section Four------------------------->
        <section id='Python_Variables' class="main-section">
            <h2>Python Variables</h2>
          <h3>Creating Variables</h3>
          <p>Unlike other programming languages, Python has no command for declaring
            a variable.</p>
          <p>A variable is created the moment you first assign a value to it.</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python">x = <span class="number-text">5</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python">y = <span class="string-text">"John"</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(x)</code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(y)</code>
          <p>Variables do not need to be declared with any particular type and can
            even change type after they have been set.</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python">x = <span class="number-text">4</span> <span class="comment-text"># x is of type int</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python">x = <span class="string-text">"Sally"</span> <span class="comment-text"># x is now of type str</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(x)</code>
          <h3>Variable Names</h3>
            <li>A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character</li>
            <li>A variable name cannot start with a number</li>
            <li>A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )</li>
            <li>Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age and AGE are three different variables)</li>
          <div class="notebox">
            <p>Remember that variables are case-sensitive</p>
          <h3>Output Variables</h3>
          <p>The Python <span class="crimson-text gray-bg">&nbspprint&nbsp</span>
            statement is often used to output variables.</p>
          <p>To combine both text and a variable, Python uses the
            <span class="crimson-text gray-bg">&nbsp+&nbsp</span> character:</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python">x = <span class="string-text">"awesome"</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(<span class="string-text">"Python is "</span> + x)</code>
          <p>You can also use the <span class='crimson-text gray-bg'>&nbsp+&nbsp</span> character to add a variable to another variable:</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python">x = <span class="string-text">"Python is "</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python">y = <span class="string-text">"awesome"</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python">z =  x + y</code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(z)</code>
          <p>For numbers, the <span class='crimson-text gray-bg'>&nbsp+&nbsp</span> character works as a mathematical operator:</p>
          <div class="code-box">
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python">x = <span class="number-text">5</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python">y = <span class="number-text">10</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(x + y)</code>
          <p>If you try to combine a string and a number, Python will give you an error:</p>
          <div class="code-box-error">
            <div class="code-box-python">
              <code class="code-python">x = <span class="number-text">5</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python">y = <span class="string-text">"John"</span></code><br />
              <code class="code-python"><span class='method-text'>print</span>(x + y)</code>
            <div class="code-box-cmd">
              <code class="code-cmd">C:\Users\My Name>python demo_variables_test.py</code><br />
              <code class="code-cmd">TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'</code>
        <br />
      <p>Information supplied by <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/python/default.asp" target="_blank">w3schools<span class='w3schools-green'>.com</span></a></p>
      <p>&copy Pete Smyth 2019</p>

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