嵌套条件if和else if命令

时间:2019-05-03 15:47:57

标签: php if-statement

我正在修改现有的PHP / HTML实时站点,以基于一些新的年龄验证标准添加一些新的条件语句。


基本上,我在现有页面周围的if / else if / else if结构中插入了3个新条件,并根据这些检查进行重定向。


/** Old (Working) Code: **/
if ($var > 0) { //existing working conditions
    // Some code
    if ($var2 > 0) { //existing working conditions
        // end old stuff that works)

        /** New (broken) code: **/
        if (($type == 'R') && ($age > '17')) { /// Type R AND 18 or older

            if ($adult == "0") {
                header('location: adult.php?test=' . $id . '');
            } else if ($a_values == "0") {
                header('location: a_values.php?test=' . $id . '');
            //(many more pages to check)

        } else if (($type == '') && ($age > '17')) { /// No Type AND 18 or older

            if ($adult == "0") {
                header('location: adult.php?test=' . $id . '');
            } else if ($a_values == "0") {
                header('location: a_values.php?test=' . $id . '');
            // (many more pages to check)

        } else if (($type == 'C') && ($age < '18')) { // else Type C OR not 18 yo

            if ($not_adult == "0") {
                header('location: not_adult.php?test=' . $id . '');
            } else if ($not_adult_values == "0") {
                header('location: not_adult_values.php?test=' . $id . '');
            // (many more pages to check)

        } else {  // end ((new stuff)) and execute the rest of page if none of the if/else conditions and redirects are met

        // ((old stuff that works))
    } // end $var2
} // end $var


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