
时间:2019-05-02 16:22:14

标签: python decorator python-decorators

我正在尝试用装饰器类装饰实例方法,但是它无法将实例作为Bar -> 117 Foo -> 42 VeryVeryLongName -> 101 传递给装饰的可调用对象。包装到self也不起作用,因为在构建装饰器类时,包装的方法尚不可用:


如何在#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Trying to decorate a method.""" class Wrap: def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print("self: {self}\n*args: {args}\nkwargs: {kwargs}".format( self=self, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)) self.func(self=args[0], a=3.141) class A: @Wrap def aaa(self, a=None): print("My instance: {}\na = {}".format(self, a)) a = A() a.aaa(1000) # My instance: 1000 # a = 3.141 ## The object "a" is not passed on, rendering aaa effectively a static method. a.aaa(a, 1000) # My instance: <__main__.A object at 0x7fe371579be0> # a = 3.141 ## The expected result for the first attempt. 内部访问a,而无需显式传递它?

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