
时间:2019-04-29 15:53:01

标签: typescript conditional-types


interface AuthState {
  isSignedIn: boolean
  token?: string
  user?: User

user可以是未定义的,但是只有isSignedIn === false才可以。在应用程序中,不可能有isSignedIn === true并且没有用户对象。我希望能够执行该操作,而不必执行以下操作:

// If I don't check for `user`, TS will throw an error since it doesn't see any
// relation between the 2 properties
const userName = isSignedIn && user && user.name

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


interface FalseAuthState {
  isSignedIn: false;

interface TrueAuthState {
  isSignedIn: true;
  token: string;
  user: User;

type AuthState = FalseAuthState | TrueAuthState;


// This does not throw an error because Typescript knows it's correct
const noAuth: AuthState = {
   isAuth: false

// This will throw an error because Typescript demands a User and Token.
const yesAuth: AuthState = {
   isAuth: true

// This will not throw an error.
const realAuth: AuthState = {
  isAuth: true,
  token: "ABCD123",
  user: new User()

function printUser(auth: AuthState) {
  if (auth.isAuth) {
     console.log(auth.user); // Typescript knows there's supposed to be a user so there is no error

function badPrintUser(auth: AuthState) {
   if (auth.isAuth === false) {
      console.log(auth.user); // Typescript will throw an error because there's no supposed to be a user here.


const userName = auth.isSignedIn && auth.user.name

const userName = auth.isSignedIn ? auth.user.name : undefined;


const { isSignedIn, user } = (auth as TrueAuthState);
const userName = isSignedIn && user && user.name; // You still have to do this unless you really sure that the auth is a TrueAuthState