public void SelectionSort() // ascending order
for (int i = 1; i <= List.Count; i++) // go through the list
ListClass minimum = (ListClass)List[i-1];
int min = i - 1;
for (int j = i;j <= List.Count-1; j++)
ListClass cur = (ListClass)List[j];
if (minimum.getNum() > cur.getNum())
min = j; // min equals smallest in list j
swap(List, i-1, min); // swap current position in list i and the smallest position in list j
Console.WriteLine("Array after selection sort: ");
foreach (ListClass cur in List)
public static void swap(ArrayList List, int x, int y)
object temp = List[x];
List[x] = List[y];
List[y] = temp;
public void Display()
foreach (ListClass cur in List)
排序前的数组: 1个 2 5 7 8 90 889 88 654 33 2 3 选择后的数组排序: 1个 2 3 5 7 8 90 2 88 33 654 889